Chaptet 15

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Idk how well everyone will take this, but as a warning, in this chapter, there are descriptions of blood and violence. If you do not like these things, it may be a good idea to read only the beginning of this

I loved everything about that place. It was amazing to perform and meet new people there. I had made more friends than I had ever before, and they all knew me for who I was. After two weeks there, Amanda, Lance, Elizabeth, and I had enough free time to check out the city. Margali was reluctant to let me or Elizabeth go without covering up."I'm part of a circus! I'll be wearing my shirt, so that should be able to explain my appearance enough!" I exclaimed. Elizabeth nodded to show that she agreed. Margali sighed and hugged me. "Ok," she said nervously. "But please be careful. I love you." I smiled. "I love you too."

   We walked on the street towards town. For the first few minutes, both Elizabeth and I were very jumpy, flinching every time someone passed. Lance laughed and threw his arms around both of our necks. "Don't laugh at us!" snapped Elizabeth, but she was smiling. No one even glanced at either of us, and if they did, they only had to look at our shirts before they shrugged and turned away. It was... freeing. Soon, we had relaxed and were discussing the places we should go.

       "Aw come on, please?" I begged. Amanda sighed. "Kurt, you and I both know that a theater is a terrible idea. Nobody dressed like you or Elizabeth would just go sit to watch a movie or play, unless it was the opening night of some big thing." I stuck out my lower lip and sniffled dramatically. "Plllleeeeeeaaaassseeee?" I begged. Elizabeth stifled a giggle, and Amanda tapped my nose affectionately. "Nope! Mom left me in charge to keep you two out of trouble. Besides, you know that you'll just feel trapped in there." I opened my mouth to protest, then closed it. "Yeah, you're right," I sighed.

       "Hey, look at this!" Lance pointed to a poster that was written in a variety of languages. "Looks like a park. The... Parka dell Casino?" I sighed and grabbed it from his hand. "Parco delle Cascine. You really need to work on your Italian, Lance." He stuck out his tongue and retorted, "Well, I'm still better at French." "Touché," I laughed. Elizabeth spoke up. "I think we should go." We all happily agreed. "Where should we go after?" Amanda asked. I shrugged. "Don't know. We can figure it out as we go." Elizabeth hooked an arm through mine and Amanda's arms. "Come on!" she laughed, and we walked the short distance to the large, open park, perfect for two mutants with trust issues.

   We arrived there in good spirits, walking through groups of people who didn't care how Elizabeth or I looked. They only glanced at us, and then our shirts, before looking away. "This is amazing," I whispered. She nodded excitedly. We found an out of the way bench, where I plopped. Elizabeth carefully sat down sideways, allowing her wings to spill over the armrest before leaning back. Lance and Amanda stayed standing. "We're going to go try to get some gelato. Do you guys want to come?" Amanda asked. I opened my eyes, and Elizabeth and I shook our heads in unison. Lance shrugged. "We'll get you something then," he said. Amanda grinned. "I'm going to find you guys the strangest flavor they have!" she declared. Elizabeth grinned at her. "I can't wait to see this one..." she muttered. I smiled at her. "We'll have to check for poisonous berries," I whispered as they walked away. Elizabeth giggled.

   At that moment, she spotted a giant oak. Her face lit up like a little kid's. She turned back to me. "You wouldn't mind if I went to....." I laughed. "Go ahead!" I waved my tail at the tree. She jumped up, giving me a quick hug. "I'll be back when I get to the top, or when Amanda and Lance get back with the gelato!" She dashed over and started her journey to the top. I chuckled. I would never be able decide if Elizabeth acted older than her age, or younger. Maybe it was both, simultaneously a child and adult.

    I closed my eyes and tilted my face into the sun. A light breeze ruffled my hair. Despite my best efforts to hold it back, I let out a soft purr of pleasure. This was the most free that I'd ever felt. I leaned back farther on the bench and began to doze.

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