Chapter 50

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    "Kill! Go! Now! Kill him! Kill the mutant!" I lurched forward. When had I gotten a knife? My confused mind processed something else. 'Kurt. That's Kurt. No, no, no! I can't hurt him! Please!' I begged silently. The voice continued screaming. "Kill him! KILL HIM!" "NO!"

    Yet, I continued moving forward. I was going to hurt him, and he wasn't running away. He was moving closer, practically sprinting at me. "Go away!" I wanted to scream. "Leave! Run away! Please!" I didn't. I couldn't. Instead, I advanced, screams ringing in my ears. I wanted to cry. He was yelling something at me. I wasn't even able to hear his voice over the stupid screaming. I could only hope that he'd fight back, that he'd kill me before I killed him, but I knew he wouldn't. He'd die before he'd hurt me, and I was certain that he would die that day. I was going to kill Kurt, and I couldn't do anything to stop myself.

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