Chapter 44

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    I watched the children work on setting up the campsite interestedly as the other adults sat around a fire in a nearby clearing. We could hear their hushed voices carry through the trees, as if nature itself were whispering to us, but even I couldn't make out any of the words. It was as if they knew the exact limit of my hearing abilities. I sighed. At 20, I wasn't really one of the kids, but I wasn't considered to be an adult either. Not only that, but I was new, not really part of the group. It irritated me that I wasn't allowed to listen to what they were talking about, especially since they were talking about my fate as well as their own.  So, I pretty much just sulked by a nearby tree. Bobby, the ice boy, had just finished putting up a tent. He radiated a cold that was actually pretty nice in the afternoon, but in the cool evening weather, I avoided getting too close. He strode over to the girl, Rogue, who was struggling to light a small portable stove. John, the boy who controlled fire, sat to the side, staring at the horizon, as if he was searching for the newly set sun. Bobby picked up a match, trying (and failing) to light the stove. His struggles were so pathetic, that I decided I should help rather than pout, but Rogue got to it first. She sighed in frustration, turning to John. "You could help, you know," she huffed. John tilted his head a tiny bit, and the stove erupted into a large flame, causing me to jump in surprise. Bobby dove backwards. I stifled a small laugh as he shot John a dirty look.

      I turned back to watch the adults speak. I was surprised to hear Rogue stomp toward me and flop on the ground beside me with a huff. I froze, glancing at her quickly before looking away. I was afraid of a repeat of when we had first met. Instead, I continued my watching, as if she wasn't there.  That is, until she said two words. "Thank you." I turned to her, startled, but I gave her a tentative smile. "Bitteschön." She sighed and turned to where I had previously been looking. "Can you hear what they're saying?" she asked. I grinned, feeling an idea take shape in my head. "I could take a closer look." She raised her eyebrows, smiling. Then, I disappeared.

      I reappeared in a tree above the fire, hanging by my tail. Thankfully, no one noticed my entrance. Storm sounded incredulous. "But how would Stryker know what Cerebro is, or how to find it?" Stryker...? Why did I recognize that name..... The older man, I remembered the others calling him Magneto, felt the back of his neck. I almost fell out of the tree when I saw the circular scar on the back of his neck, practically identical to mine. He looked furious, but also, embarrassed... He answered, "Because I told him. I helped Charles build it, remember?" There was a pause as everyone turned to the older man, shocked. "Mr. Stryker has powerful methods of persuasion," he said quietly. "Even against a mutant as strong as Charles." Jean looked angry and mildly confused. "Who is Stryker anyways?" she asked. "He's a military scientist who has spent his life for a solution to the mutant 'problem'." I grimaced. "But," continued the old man, "If you want a more intimate perspective, why don't you ask Wolverine?" Everyone turned to look at Logan. Magneto seemed curious, but he stated bluntly, "You don't remember." Magneto shrugged, continuing upon hearing no objection from Logan. "William Stryker is the only other man I know who can manipulate adimantium. The metal on your bones? It carries his signature." I winced. Was Stryker involved in what happened to me? I had the same scar as Magneto... Logan started, "But the Professor..." Magneto interrupted him. "The Professor trusted you were smart enough to discover this on your own. He gives you more credit than I do." Logan closed his eyes, silent anger and disbelief pouring off of him in waves. Mystique, the blue woman, stared at him in a way I didn't quite understand. Storm pushed forward. "Why do you need us?" "Mystique discovered plans for the base that Stryker's been operating out of for decades, but we don't know where it is." Magneto paused, as if for dramatic effect. "And I believe one of you might." "The Professor already tried," interrupted Logan, almost bitterly. Magneto sighed. "Once again, you think it's all about you." He looked up, directly at me. My eyes widened, but my mouth stretched into an awkward smile as I said nervously, "Um, hello..."

    Minutes later, I was sitting on the ground, facing Jean. Why had I thought it was a good idea to come over here? Storm put a gentle hand on my shoulder. I relaxed slightly, but stuttered, almost like a child, "I- I didn't mean to snoop..."  'Great job, Kurt. That's how you get them to respect you. Act like you're a five-year-old caught in the act of listening in on the grown ups...'  "Relax," said Jean soothingly. She put her hands on my temples, and I flinched. I felt my eyes roll back into my head as images began flashing through my mind. They moved faster and faster, starting at the base, in that small cell, the poor woman with the claws, the beatings, the interrogations, the fear, the pain.... then Lizzie, staring at me with those ice cold, dead eyes. I ripped my head away with a gasp. "Stop it!" I cried.

     I froze. I felt tears running down my face. Everyone was staring at me. Jean was almost panting. By the looks of it, she wouldn't have been able to search much longer anyways.... Storm touched my shoulder. "Kurt...?" I yanked myself away from her. "I-I need to go..." I muttered, teleporting away. I wished I could've teleported away from the dug up memories as well....

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