Chapter 28

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      I looked around the cell nervously. Where was I? I stood and tried the door. It was locked. "No," I whispered. "No no no no no!" I banged against the door. "Kurt!? Someone, please!" I slid to my knees, shaking uncontrollably. "Please, I can't be trapped, not again! Let me out! Someone! Anyone!" A sob managed to escape from my throat, then I was curled into a ball on the floor, crying.

   I had opened my eyes, and instead of seeing the sky, I saw this metal ceiling. Kurt was gone, too. I was starting to think that maybe, I had made up Kurt as a way to keep myself alive. Maybe I had never escaped in the first place. "But..." I muttered. "You can't just make up three years of your life in your head, right?" I sighed. Even if I wasn't crazy yet, I was going to lose my mind pretty soon if I didn't find out what was going on.

   To keep myself distracted, I looked over every square inch of that cell, and memorized every bit. I checked my wings. They had been tied to my back under my shirt. It was uncomfortable, but every time I tried to even touch the wire, I would get shocked, which was worse than the small discomfort in my wings.

   After what felt like days, but was probably only a few hours, the door slid open. A big buff soldier man (sort of reminded me of Werner on the intelligence scale) walked in with a tray of what I hoped was oatmeal because that's what it looked like. At least... that was the nicest word for it. He set it on the bed. I stared cautiously at him. He straightened,  but didn't leave. I kept my front to him at all times, but started eating carefully. When I was done, I expected him to take the tray and leave, but he didn't. Instead, he let out a low whistle. I winced. "You're kinda hot," he cooed. "If you weren't a mutie, I'd offer to take ya out, but you are." I crossed my arms over my chest, suddenly embarrassed. He took a step forward and grabbed my wrists. "However, I'd be willing to take good care of ya if you give me a little somethin in return...." He leaned forward, and panicking, I head-butted him in the face. Then, grabbing his wrists, I twisted around and flipped him over my shoulder. He groaned. I kicked his head for good measure. "Don't EVER touch me again!" I growled. "I don't care WHO you are..."

    The door opened, and another man walked in. He clapped. "Bravo. Very impressive, young lady." I looked suspiciously back at him. "You!" He gestured at another guard. "Take him out." The man on the floor groaned once more as the other soldier dragged him away. "You are a very interesting specimen. You show much more promise than I originally thought when we took you. Such a small girl, and yet so much strength. What... other.... abilities do you possess?" I rolled my eyes. "You mean besides the wings?" I said sarcastically. "Yes, yes. We already know about those, Elizabeth, is it?" My eyes widened as he said my name. He smiled, but not in a friendly way. More like he knew something that I didn't. "Yes, we know who you are, where you are from, where you currently live, and that you have wings. Such an undesirable place I might add, but I honestly could care less where you monsters end up." I felt my wings strain against their bonds, but I pushed my anger down. I wouldn't be able to fight my way out of this one. He continued, unaware of the fact that I'd almost lost control. "Besides that, really, we don't know much else, since our target wasn't you originally. Our target was.... is... a close companion of yours, so you happened to be observed as well. Kurt Wagner." I covered my mouth with my hands, eyes widening. The man still continued, ignoring my reaction. "So, my dear, what kinds of powers do you possess? I sincerely hope you are more willing than your friend was to give the information we need." "I..." I had to tell him the truth, or he might hurt me, or even Kurt. "I have hollow but strong bones. I'm abnormally strong, and I can fly. That's it," I said. His strange smile widened. "Thank you. I'll be going now." As the door slammed shut, I shivered, clutching my arms. I could only hope that the information I just gave to him wouldn't be used against me or anyone I loved....

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