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At St. Anne's Church the Hollow is standing on the church altar with Dominic standing behind her as her followers placed offers on a table in front of her. The items ranged from various magical items that the supernatural beings possessed. Spencer and Matthew had stayed in the church while everyone had gone away to spread the news and the boys weren't left alone but when they tried to ask questions about everything; starting from their sister acting weird and that dead guy following her around, no one answered.

When they had walked out of the compound following their sister the sun had been setting and now the moon was in the sky making them get sleepy with each minute that passed. There was only so much two kids could do in a church where no one would answer their questions and playing with candles had gotten boring within the first hour. So while everyone was dressed in black and being stoic and quiet the boys were at the side of the Church platform trying to perfect a secret handshake to keep them awake.

Two followers of the Hollow were placing their offering on the table before her when their silence was interrupted by a voice bouncing off the walls, "Quite the party"

Marcel and Sofya gather everyone's attention making the followers mummer while they make a path for the two vampires to walk towards the altar.

"Marcel Gerard, king of New Orleans" Dominic speaks up just as Marcel and Sofya collide against an invisible wall more than a few feet away from the altar but they were able to see the boys who stopped what they were doing once they heard his name being said, "Accompanied by his top advisor. Well, I trust you've come to grovel and bow before the power of the Hollow"

"Actually, we came to make a truce. The way I see it, we both have the same enemy: the Mikaelsons," Marcel says making the twin boys turn to look at each other at the sound of their last name "Now, you help me get them out of this city, and maybe there's a world in which we all live happily ever after"

"Diplomacy. A wise choice" Dominic says before he slowly turns his head down to look at the Hollow standing next to him. When she nods, Dominic raises his hand releasing the boundary spell that had stopped Marcel and Sofya. The two continue walking towards the altar and walk around the table full of offerings being able to stand before the Hollow 

"I want the king to kneel before me," The Hollow says making Marcel look at Hope's face and without a word he kneels before her bowing his head 

"Behold, covens of New Orleans, even the great Marcel Gerard is nothing in the face of the Hollow" Dominic shouts at his followers only for his pleasing moment to be interrupted by Marcel raising his head and blowing magic dust towards Hope causing for her to close her eyes and falling forwards towards Marcel. He catches her before quickly attaching the magic canceling cuffs on her before vamp speeding away.

On-standby Klaus, Elijah, and Hayley stood until it was their turn to for their part of the plan. With Marcel taking everyone by surprise, Hayley vamp speeds over to the boys and takes a hold of them before making her way out of the church. Hayley had taken the boys away just in time for Sofya to take out a stake and kill the human witch standing before her. 

As Dominic's body falls to the ground the acolytes start to speak up at the same time while walking over to Sofya but stop when Klaus appears from the left side of the church stage, "Hear ye, hear ye, all disciples and acolytes of the evil Hollow. Now that your master has been subdued, the power she promised you has been revoked, rendering you helpless, and bringing this pitiful coup to a rather abrupt end"

Klaus hold up a snow globe he held that seemed harmless but was the exact opposite, "This dark object has the astounding ability to seal you in the room"

Klaus drops the dark object, and once it shatters by his feet everyone can immediately feel the boundary spell. With the Hollows acolytes trapped in the room with nowhere to go Elijah catches their attention once he speaks up. Allowing for their attention to be on the vampire standing on the church balcony holding a bottle containing flammable material, with a handkerchief wrapped around its neck

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