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"Odette your dads here" says the officer, making me close my eyes as i let out a sigh. He opens the doors jail cell making me stand up from the bench and shove my hands into the pockets of my denim jacket

"Can i have my knife back?" I ask as I walk out of the jail cell door and into the hallway

"Sorry kid, its up to your dad" He says as we start to walk over to the main lobby where he opened the door that led to where I knew my dad was at

"How pissed is he?" I ask worried

"Calmer then the last two times" the chief says slightly surprised that my dad could be calmer. Yet since he mentioned the last times I was here I feel the need to justify myself for those times

"You know I didn't spray paint coach's car nor did I start the fight" I say knowing that some people in the station still believed that I was at fault for my last two arrests

"Which is why you got off with a warning. Now next time you walk through those doors with cuffs on you, I won't be able to let go with just a warning" the chief explains making me nod my head as we reach the lobby

"Thanks Chief" I sincerely say as I see my dad turning in some paper work while being handed my things, which included my switch blade, wallet, and keys. As that was all that I was carrying when I walked through the police office doors 

"Appa I didn't-" I immediately say as I stand in front of him but he interrupts me

"Odette I don't want to hear it. Let's just get home" he says sounding tired making me feel like a shitty daughter. So without another word I follow him outside to the car.

All during the fifteen-minute car ride home not one word was shared making the car be filled by radio rock music. We soon arrive to the house, park in the driveway and I get out of the car first not wanting to be in the car for another second. When I reach for the door, I slip out of my shoes quickly before entering the unlocked door and greeting Marisol who was watching television in the living room.

"Odette there is some food on the stove if you want some" She says making me thank her before walking over to the kitchen and heating up the dinner Marisol made

"What was she in trouble for this time?" I hear Marisol ask my dad from the living room, making me listen closely as I try to eavesdrop on them while making it seem I wasn't listening into their conversation

"For carrying this" My dad say followed by the sound of my keys, switch blade and wallet being placed on the coffee table "and for starting a fight. Luckily no one got badly hurt and the parents aren't going to press charges"

The microwave starts beeping signaling my food was heated up making me stop listening into their conversation. I walk over to the microwave and take out the ramen Marisol had made while grabbing a drink from the fridge and a pair of chop sticks from the drawer

I sit in the dining room dipping a mushroom in some sauce when my dad walked in to the dining room with his own bowl of ramen. He sits in front of me and I place the mushroom in my mouth not knowing if I should speak up or not. Allowing the sound of Marisol's television show to reach them covering the silence

"Do you want the mushrooms?" my dad speaks up making me look up from my plate and see him pointing to the mushrooms in his bowl with a fork in his hand

"You really need to tell Marisol you don't like mushrooms" I say with a small smile as I reach for his bowl with my chopsticks and start moving the mushrooms to my bowl

"Well I'll always have you to eat them for me" He says making me smile at him

"Appa, I am sorry" I say as I place the chopsticks on my bowl and look at him "I-i just don't want you to be disappointed in me"

✓ KILLER QUEEN² ☾ 𝐊.𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now