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The three Mikaelson siblings were downstairs surrounding a round table that at the center had a human jaw bone spelled to stay inside the white circle it was in. The jaw wasn't staying still which is what intrigued the children, while Hope walked around the table the jaw bone could rattle and move to point in her direction.

Odette had walked downstairs in search of her kids and when she sees that they were surrounding the jaw bone she walks over to them and asks, "My loves, what's going on?"

"Mom? Can you hear them, too?" Hope asks making Odette turn Hope to face her and reaches for the boys hands so they all look at her in the eyes as she kneeled in front of them

Klaus had walked into the room only to see looking worried over Hope's shoulder and at the jaw bone making him ask, "What's going on?"

"Look at me," Odette tells all of her kids so they wouldn't turn back to face the table, then she keeps her eyes on Hope as she was the one who asked the question, "Tell me what you heard"

"Voices. They said that we're connected to this" Hope says keeping her eyes on the ground not looking at her mom

"Hope who is we?" Odette asks worriedly for what the answer would be

"Us three-" Spencer says making Odette look over at her boy and make sure he was wearing his bracelet that blocks his powers and he was

"And you and aunti Hales" Matthew finishes making Odette check his hand as well as Hopes, all three were wearing their bracelet

"If this fossil has been whispering lies, I'll gladly throw it in the river," Klaus says certain that the Hollows precious jaw bone was the one whispering things to his kids

"No. Not the bone." Hope quickly says as she turns to look at her dad before looking around the room hearing the voices, "The witches. The Ancestors. They have a message for us. A warning"

Knowing that Hope had a stronger connection to the Ancestors as she was born in New Orleans Odette gently places her hand on Hope's cheek, "Tell me what they said"

"They want you to go to St. Anne's Church," Hope says looking at her mom in the eye replaying what the voices kept repeating, "to talk to them. They said you have to do exactly what they say, and you have to do it now. Before the Hollow comes for us"

In order to get the bone once protected by the Lockwood bloodline, the Mikaelsons contacted Alaric Saltzman. He was on his way from Mystic Falls to a Bar-B-Q Shack off Route 59 waiting for Klaus only for plans to change and Elijah was going to meet the human. Not only did Alaric find a human finger bone, but he also found records with names, dates, and locations of who was in charge of guarding the rest of the remains.

Elijah was taking over Niklaus spot in meeting Alaric because he, Odette, and Hayley were going to St. Annes Church to visit the Ancestors who wanted to talk about a way to stop the Hollow. While the Ancestors did ask for Odette, they also told her kids that Hayley was connected meaning the more the merrier when it came to defeating the Hollow. Also, everyone was trying to keep Elijah away from the Ancestors, while he did help reestablish the link in doing so he slit the throats of four witches with no prior knowledge or indication that a reverse Harvest with regular magic would work.

Klaus had even requested for Elijah to go on the trip with Marcel, in order to both make some sort of amending as well as partnership.


The three hybrids entered St. Anne's Church only to find the place to be filled with silence, the only noise was coming from the streets.

"It's quiet" Hayley voices being the last one to enter through the doors and looks around the church looking different yet so similar to the last time she was in the room, even if it was years ago

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