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Klaus had just returned home and immediately walks upstairs to the room Cami had been staying in to find an empty blood bad on the bed. He sighs in annoyance as he picks up the blood bag and throws it aside, before making his way into Elijah's study. Elijah was in his study as he was going through old-looking notes printed on parchment 

"Where the bloody hell is she?" Klaus asks annoyed as he enters the room 

"I assume we are talking about Camille..." Elijah states while his eyes stayed on the pages before him, "Just refresh my memory, Niklaus-- was I the one who impulsively handed her a daylight ring? Oh, no, that's right. It was you"

"She left, didn't she?" Klaus says with a roll of his eyes 

"Shocking turn of events, yes. So, why don't you go and find her? I shall deal with the growing nightmare of our family's potential extinction" Elijah says sarcastically as he finally looks up as his brother who stood at the other end of the room 

"Yes, always the diligent defender, despite the fact that the danger has somewhat subsided, what, with Tristan de Martel now literally sleeping with the fishes?" Klaus says as he walks towards the desk Elijah stood behind 

"A darker threat remains. Now, if something out there is capable of killing us--" Elijah says while lowering his voice to a mocking whisper "--We should probably find it"

"I'd love to. However, I got Camille into this mess..." Klaus says with a sigh just as an exhausted and overwhelmed Hayley appears in the doorway 

"She left around sunrise" Hayley says making Elijah turn and stare at the brunette widow in surprise while Klaus looks at the two with concern "My guess is that she needed some air?"

Elijah and Klaus continue to stare silently at Hayley, "I couldn't sleep. I saw her leaving from my balcony" Haley then pauses and fidgets nervously for a moment before speaking "So, I was wondering if maybe it was okay... if I stay here a few days?"

"Of course you may" Elijah says with a weak smile as he was surprised but not unhappy to hear her request 

Hayley gives him an appreciative look, but before anyone can say anything, Elijah's phone buzzes. He reluctantly pulls out his phone to check, he sees what is and gives Hayley a guilty and apologetic look, "Forgive me"

Elijah then leaves to deal with his call. Once he out of the room, Klaus gives Hayley a comforting smile and approaches her on his way out the door, "Hayley, this family comes with many, many hardships, but there is at least one benefit-- you will always have a home here"

 Once he out of the room, Klaus gives Hayley a comforting smile and approaches her on his way out the door, "Hayley, this family comes with many, many hardships, but there is at least one benefit-- you will always have a home here"

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It was clear that Hayley was still grieving but Klaus could tell that she was grateful for his kindness.


Hayley had informed Odette how she was going to be staying in the compound for a while. So the two, including Hope, return to the Kenner apartment in order to get a few things to take back to the compound. Once the three enter the apartment Odette was able to feel all the pain that Hayley felt from being in the home she shared with Jackson. 

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