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After having seen the hunters truck, we decided to return to Freya and Hope. In doing so Elijah and I relieved Freya of baby sitting duties. While Freya retuned to her party, Elijah and I return to comb the woods while I carried Hope in my arms in search for Hayley and Jackson. We continue walking as Elijah frantically shouted out Hayley's name repeatedly. I stop in my tracks as I call Elijahs name having seen a steel-jawed animal trap that was covered in a huge puddle of blood. We are stopped by a familiar voice calling out from behind us, its Jackson "Where is she?"

I look at him surprised standing before us, as he stood naked, covered in blood and hiding behind a tree, both to help support himself and most importantly to hide his private parts from us. "Where the hell is Hayley?"

"Nice to see you cousin" I say as I adjust my grip on Hope


We returned to the shelter where I place Hope in her stroller and strap her in as she restlessly starts to move around, not wanting to be in her stroller. I turn around to see Elijah use a butter knife from the picnic table and pries one of the bullets from the hunter's assault rifles out of Jacksons chest. Jackson hisses and groans in pain when Elijah finally removes the last one placing it on the table as I stood in front of them with my arms crossed trying to hide my worry.

Elijah rolls up his sleeve extending his wrist in front a shirtless Jackson who was still catching his breath. "Take my blood"

"I'm good. We need to find Hayley" Jackson scoffs declining Elijahs offer

"There's still no sign of her" Elijah says with a sigh making me speak up unhappy with the words I whisper

"We saw the bodies, what happened?"

"Hunters set up traps all over the Bayou. Mowed us down with gunfire. Any wolf that wasn't taken out scattered" Jackson says as he winces and looks down at his gunshot wound, gritting his teeth and clearly dreading what he was going to ask "Odette... how many bodies?"

"I-i don't know" I say sadly as I shake my head not knowing how to answer such a question

"A trap wouldn't hold Hayley after she turned back" Jackson says as he looks over at me and Hope who looked around curiously "Nothing would stop her from seeing that little girl. Something's wrong"

Elijah then starts to pick up his things on the table getting ready to leave. Making Jackson look at him confused and stand up, no longer replying on the picnic table which made me keep an extra eye on him as his foot was yet to be healed, "Where are you going?"

"To take my niece home" Elijah says making me cough to bring his attention to what he said, the reason our relationship was now okay was because he promised to never decide anything for Hope without consulting me "Then, we'll continue the search. You stay here, you tend to your dead"

"Elijah! It's his wife and he only has five hours until he's a wolf again. Jackson is going to help us" I say knowing that Jackson wasn't going to just say here and not go looking for Hayley. I wasn't going to let him stay here when he could be helping us track down Hayley


On the car ride to the Mikaelson Compound Elijah started to inform us about Kingmaker Land Development. The company is run by their CEO who just happens to be someone the Mikaelson brothers seem to know very well. His name is Lucien Castle, just the fact that he sent gunmen out to the woods where he knew werewolves resided in.

So while Jackson and Elijah confronted Niklaus and asked him pointless questions while blaming him for everything that was happening. I was cleaning myself and Hope up, before I place a now sleeping Hope in her crib. Once I close the door to Hope's nursery I head on down stairs to grab a blood bag and the cooler. I finish it and walk out to the compounds living room when I hear Klaus talking.

✓ KILLER QUEEN² ☾ 𝐊.𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now