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Hope was in her room looking out an open window and sensing her father at her doorway she says, "The Hollow, she's getting stronger" 

"You can sense her?" Klaus asks worriedly

"When we first got here, there was always music outside, people dancing, laughing. But since she came back, it's so quiet. Like she's draining everything out of the city," Hope says as downstairs in the street there wasn't much life and that want right for New Orleans. Hope turns around walking over to her dad "She already took Uncle Elijah. And soon she will come for the rest of us" 

Klaus kneels down to look his daughter in the eye, "Listen, Hope, I know you're scared. But over the years, a lot of bad people have stood against our family, and all of them have fallen. The Hollow is no different" 

"No, she is different," Hope says worried about what the Hollow would do to her family

Klaus does his best to make his daughter feel safe but there was only so much he could do before having to leave her side. Downstairs Hayley, Odette, and Klaus gathered around Freya who was looking at the blue cracked pendant that held Elijah

"Despite the spell I cast, the very integrity of the pendant is growing unstable. It won't be able to hold Elijah's soul much longer. We need to find a way to resurrect him tonight, or we could lose him forever" Freya explains setting down the necklace on one of her many open grimoires 

"To do that, we'll need more power," Hayley says looking down at the pendant, she was the one who had discovered the crack when she visited Elijah in his casket

"Let me guess, a grand sacrifice," Klaus says with arms crossed looking at his sister

"I say we kill our enemy and sacrifice her, then I can channel the power from the Hollow's death, raise Elijah's body, and place him back where he belongs," Freya says but it wasn't so easy

"We've tried everything," Odette says not knowing what the witch could have possibly thought of that could give them the upper hand

"And we've come close. Labonair blood is her Achilles' heel. Hayley, Odette, your blood weakened her, but you've technically been dead for years. So it won't be strong enough to kill her." Freya says speaking to both Labonair hybrids before turning her attention fully on the mother, "If we forge a blade using the blood of the last living Labonairs..."

"We don't want the kids involved," Klaus says and Odette doesn't protest, they wanted the kids to take part in none of what was happening around them

"They are already involved. Hope has been obsessed with the symbol that follows the Hollow: the serpent consuming itself," Freya says laying out one of Hopes' crayon drawings on the table, "Now, I believe this is showing us the key, the only means to which she can be destroyed, her own blood. The Hollow's one end of the Labonair bloodline. Hope is the other. And we need to close that loop. The best way to do that is for Hayley or Odette to wield a weapon forged with Hope's blood. When she stabs her, it's only then the Hollow can be obliterated completely"

Glancing over at Klaus Odette stands up knowing what she had to do, "Then we will make it work, I'll talk to Hope"


Odette stood over a candle flame and held out a needle to heat it up, feeling it hot enough Odette turns around to her kids. The boys didn't want to leave, they wanted to stay and so Odette let them.

"I don't want to," Hope says from her spot on the ground

Odette sits on the floor across her daughter, "Are you scared it's gonna hurt?" 

✓ KILLER QUEEN² ☾ 𝐊.𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now