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Odette stood in Klaus art room as the sun rose over the horizon, with a mug filled with the hand made a potion that Cleophus had gifted her with. Every time Odette took a sip the drink would taste differently, the first time she tried it she thought she tasted chocolate but then told herself it must have been the chocolate she previously had eaten. Then the drink tasted like mango and her most recent sip tasted like lavender making her make a face of disgust.

"I see you've started already," A voice says scaring Odette as she jumps almost spilling the drink in her hand

Odette turns around to be faced with Cleophus who wore modern-day clothes rather than her black cloak, "Oh my! Gah don't sneak up on a pregnant woman like that!"

"Sorry Miss de Marie," Cleophus says with a smile that mirrored the one Odette wore

"You can call me Odette," The pregnant hybrid says as she was not used to being called my her last name and it felt too formal

"Of course. Now, did you prepare the potion just as listed?" Cleophus asks as she walks towards Odette and takes her mug to smell the drink that seemed to be about correct

"Yeah, I measured it and all. But is it supposed to taste like this?" Odette asks making Cleophus swirl the drink and saw that everything was correct

"What does it taste like for you?" Cleophus asks as she had never tasted the drink so she wouldn't know what the problem was but Odette was not the first to be taking such a potion

"It changes every time, at first it was chocolate and now it is lavender," Odette says disgusted as she takes back the mug from Cleophus

"Yes the potion tends to change time from time, what will help is if you add the potion to a drink that already has flavor" Cleophus shares making Odette nod her head as she made a mental note.

The room was filled with silence as Odette did not want to bombard Cleophus with all the questions that made it hard to sleep at night. And the silence made Odette realize what she wore, which consisted of one of Klaus long burgundy sleeved shirts and her own grey sleep shorts

"You said I would get answers" Odette states as she walks towards the couch making the witch follow with the nod of her head "How did you sense me being pregnant? How did you know I was the baby in the prophecy? What are the extend of my powers and are my kids able to inherit it? Was is my dad's side of the family that gave me a Wiccan ceremony?"

"I knew you were the baby and the prophecy when the Strix had moved to New Orleans. You see Tristian de Martel wanted you to join the Strix because of this. Because he knew that your father's side of the family came from a long line of witches, an ancestral line that always carried the name de Marie. The day you became a Hybrid was the day the prophecy made its way to you, yet your abilities did not arrive till later because as the prophecy states. Love is your strength when you were able to use your powers it was because of love. Your children may inherit the power but it is most likely that they won't. As to the extent of your powers, I am not certain but you cannot cast any spells. Your father nor mother knew about the prophecy, as your father is not a witch. He does not possess any magical abilities and his mother never burdened him with the knowledge." Cleophus shares calming any doubts that she had on her parents keeping secrets from her as first it was the secret of the Crescent's and now it was the possibility of them keeping a whole new life-changing secret

"Why would it be a burden to know?" Odette asks worried because as a parent she never wants to lie to Hope but what kind of parent would keep such a family secret from their child and see it as a removal of being burdened

"Why would it be a burden to know?" Odette asks worried because as a parent she never wants to lie to Hope but what kind of parent would keep such a family secret from their child and see it as a removal of being burdened

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