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Odette paced from the bed to where Hope sat in her play pen as she looks at her mom walking back and forth with her phone in her hand. Finally, Odette types out the number she had memorized and waits for the other person on the line to answer

"Hello?" a familiar voice says on the other end, making Odette relax and start to calm down as she new that it was her dad and he could take the news

"Appa" Odette greets slightly worried as to where the whole conversation was heading towards

"Odette? What's wrong?" Odette father asks worried as he could hear the uneasiness in his daughter's voice

"No-nothing is wrong. Why do you assume something is wrong?" Odette quickly says proving that she was worried about something

"You have only called me five times since the last time you visited. Also, just because I haven't heard your voice in so long doesn't mean I've forgotten how you sound when worried" Aaron says making Odette groan as she was filled with guilt yet also couldn't help to smile at her dad's words

"I am a bad daughter, aren't I?" Odette grimaced waiting for her father to respond as she knew that her dad can't contact her as Odette doesn't have a consistent number

"No, Odette you aren't. I just worry, especially now that I know right about everything"

"Well not everything..." Odette says as there were somethings, she has never told her dad and she had yet to catch him up since the last time she called

"Good news?" Aaron asks knowing that it must be big news if she was calling

"Depends how you take it. I-i think it's good news. Great news" Odette says with a nervous smile

"You want to tell me? Or can you wait until I make coffee?"

"I woke you up, didn't I?" Odette says realizing that there are time zones and theirs was at least a three hour difference

"It's okay, you caught me on my day off. What's the great news you wanted to tell me?"

"So, I found something about our family and about myself. Um so how honest do you want me to be?" Odette asks as it was a lot that she had to share and didn't know how he was going to take it, especially the part that affected him

"Just like we agreed. Remember I can handle it"

"I am pregnant, with twins. Which I found out by grandmas' old friends when she told me that De Maries are a name from a long line of witches. Grandma had hidden it from you because she thought that when you have kids, they wouldn't inherit the magic. Yet it turns out I'm something other than a Hybrid because there is an old prophecy written long ago and its about me. So, um Surprise?" Odette rambles letting everything out at once but also slow enough that he would understand her

"You're pregnant? I have to ask so do not get offended Odette" Aaron says making Odette hum as she had suspicion as to what he wanted to ask, "Is it the same guy that first got you pregnant?"

"Yes, Appa it is" Odette asks having expected him to ask that question yet not expecting it to be the first of his questions

"So when can I meet my granddaughter and her father?"

"Your granddaughter you will meet soon and as for her father um well thats a conversation for another day" Odette says as if it was up to her, Klaus would never meet her dad. It was nothing personal it was just that Odette worried as to how everything would go especially since she hasn't told her father everything about Klaus. She was also afraid that they wouldn't like each other.

"I just have one question then. Is he handsome?" Aaron asks seriously making Odette laugh as she quietly says 'what?' "Your partner um boyfriend, baby daddy. Whatever it is that you call him"

✓ KILLER QUEEN² ☾ 𝐊.𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now