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Hayley, Hope and I enter through the doorway to join Elijah and Freya, who had an unconscious and tied up Tristian.

"Elijah, we got your text" I say as I keep Hope balanced on my hip

"Unless she's violently teething, I don't recommend this as a daycare..." Elijah says surprised that I would bring Hope to such a setting that would soon involve torturing a man

"No, she's not it's just um" I say while looking over to Hayley not knowing if she wanted to share her news or not

"Jack's gone" Hayley speaks up with a sigh "and I don't know if he's coming back. I also really don't want to talk about"

"That's why I brought Hayley, thought she could take out her anger on this pompous dick" I say and then realized I shouldn't have said the last two words as I was carrying Hope and didn't want her first words to be those

Elijah after hearing the news that Hayley and Jackson's relationship is strained seems shocked yet after a moment gives Freya a significant look that I caught onto.

"Right well, we will be back. Or at least I will, um good luck?" I say as I look over to Freya who then takes the first step out of the room and I follow with Hope still in my embrace.

Before we reached the first floor of the compound, we could hear Tristian scream out in pain making me cover Hopes ears. 


Once Freya, Hope and I arrived to the Kenner apartment, I made sure to place Hope in her playpen so she can be entertained.

"You know you could have stayed behind?" I ask Freya as she awkwardly stands in the middle of the apartment taking a good look at it

"Its nice to get away from the drama" Freya says just as Hope starts to cry making me laugh

"Enjoy your break, I got this" I say with a smile as I walk over to Hope and pick her up only start to rock her in my arms as I walk over to the bed room so when she was close to falling asleep I'd be able to place her in her crib.

After I had placed Hope in her crib I walked back to the living room where I find Freya looking out side the balcony and into the Mikaelson compound as if she was able to listen in. I had decided to get her mind off of what ever was going through her mind by asking her if she wanted something to drink or eat. We both decided on tea, and I walk over to the kitchen so I can boil some water. Freya catches me up on what I missed last night once I had left and other than the Mikaelsons taking Tristian as leverage from Aurora, yet that wasn't the important news

"What do you mean Cami is missing?" I ask worried which makes me place the tea bags on the counter and look over at Freya

"I thought you knew" Freya says slowly making me laugh stoically as it seemed I just keep being left out of the loop

"Klaus is looking for her?" I ask as i start to play with my necklace

"With the help of Lucien" Freya says while rolling her eyes

"Ha, he is going to be of no help" i say knowing Lucien's demeanor when we first met that he would most likely want Cami dead as she would be a 'distraction' to Klaus protecting him self from the prophecy "have you done a locator spell?"

"No, Klaus never asked for my help and i thought Tristian was more of importance"

"Do you at least now who took Cami?" I ask wondering if the person who took Cami would lead to possible hide outs

"My guess, Aurora. When Lucien mentioned her at dinner she went mad with jealousy as she had yet to meet Cami"

"The other women in Klaus life" I say bitterly

✓ KILLER QUEEN² ☾ 𝐊.𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now