Chapter 38

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"Come on! Just a small trip! All of us at a huge beach house by the ocean!" Just a little trip." Shawn complained to me. I'm concerned about the twins breaking things that aren't meant to be broken, and us in one big vacation house.

"Fine!" I give in. The twins around us squeal and run away. Shawn hugs me.

"What up Mendes?" I ask. He looks me in the eyes and smiles brightly.

"This is our first trip with the kids." He says. I kiss him softly. But it doesn't stop there. We stand there, kissing, when Esther runs in.

"Mommy! Look!" She says. Me and Shawn laugh and I follow her down the stairs, leaving Shawn.

"E," I whisper. "Is this about Haliyah?" I ask. I told Esther if she ever sees Hayes take Aaliyah with him somewhere alone, she needs to run and tell me. Haliyah is their ship name, and we both ship them so hard.

"Yes." She says, pulling me by the door. I see Hayes saying something to Aaliyah, smiling like an idiot. I open the door a little, silently and I can hear them talking.

"Aaliyah," Hayes says softly. "I like you. I really do. But, the thing is, I'm afraid of your brother." He says. Aaliyah starts laughing and I snicker myself. It's not that Shawn isn't tough, it's that he's like a brother to Hayes, he wouldn't hurt him badly.

"Really?" Aaliyah says laughing. "He wouldn't do shit to you." This is the first time I've heard her swear. She's growing up. Awwww!

"Really?" Hayes asks. Aaliyah nods. Hayes grabs her waist and they kiss. I fall to the ground, dying with the fucking feels. I ship them so hard!
They notice me and pull away looking at the ground.

"Go on." I say. Aaliyah comes inside and Hayes stays out in the yard. Smiling like an idiot.

"Hayes...." I say walking out to him. "Don't hurt her. I'll hurt you." He nervously smiles at me. "Okay."

~le time skip bruh~

"Come on guys! Let's head to the beach house!" Cam hollers throw the house. Everyone comes running down the stairs with backpacks and we pile into two cars. After a drive about an hour away from the house, we arrive at this huge beach house. "Holy shit." I say in awe. It's crazy. It looks like 3 floors and it's like, holy crap.

We enter the house, staring around. We all enter the tv room and we all sit on a couches and chairs.

"Okay, so I read about this place and it has 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a game room, a gym and a home theatre." Cam says.

"Whoa." We all say.

"So, children, which includes Esther and the twins, get 1 room." Cam says. Hayes smiles at Aaliyah and she blushes. I'm gonna see them cuddling eventually.

"And, Me, Nash and Taylor take another room, Jocelyn and Camille take one, then Shawn, Aaliyah and Hayes share a room. For the last room, that can be like, if drama happens or some shit. Good?" Cam asks. Everyone nods. I take the twins hands and take them to the smallest room with one queen bed. The three kids can share. Esther comes in two minutes later an falls on the bed. "Thomas and Kai play with some toys. You too E." I say. They find dolls and Thomas finds his cars. I leave the room and find Jocelyn. She's in another room with two beds. "Hey." I say. Jocelyn stares at my hand blankly.

"What's that?" She asks. I look at my hand and find the promise ring from Shawn.

"A promise ring." I smile. She grabs my hand.

"When did he give this to you?" She asks excited.

"When the twins we're born." She jumps back and looks shocked.

"And I didn't fucking notice! That's amazing Camille!" She hugs me. "He really loves you." She smiles.

"So? What's up with you and Nash?" I ask. Her smiles fades then comes again, weak as weak can be.

"What?" I ask. She puts her hands to her stomach.

"Oh my god."

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