Chapter 3

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Camile's POV:

Today I was going over to the guys house. We were all bored and just decided, "lets hang out!". So yeah.

I arrived at Nash and Cam's place. I walked inside and saw everyone in the living room.

"Hey Cami. We were all wondering if you wanna come to a cool hangout I discovered yesterday?" Nash asked.

"Yeah. Sure." I said. We all started walking somewhere into a forest behind the town park. After a little walking, we arrived at an edge, that looked over the city.

"Whoa! Sick." I exclaimed. We all sat down.

After about 15 minutes of talking, I decided we should play a game.

"Hey who wants to play truth or dare?"



"Okay!" Everyone responded. I started and picked Nash.

"Okay, Nash. Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." He responded.

"Okay, I dare you to, go climb that tree." I said. He said "easy!" And ran to the tree and started to climb. When he reached the top he yelled, "DO IT FOR DE VINE!" Which caused us to laugh.

He got out of the tree and sat back down.

"Okay, Taylor! Truth or dare?" He asked.

Taylor responded dare of course.

"I dare you to yell the first thing that comes to mind."

Taylor got up and yelled, "ZEBRAS!" What? Yeah, I know, Taylor.

We played for about 15 more minutes. It was Jack G's turn.

"Okay, Shawn. Truth or dare?"

"Truth." Shawn answered.

"Confess your feelings for Cami." Jack G said. Shawn instantly blushed and looked at me. He looked embarrassed and ashamed.

"Camile. I have had the biggest crush on you since 7th grade." He said. I was surprised. Since 7th grade? Goddamn.

"Ooohhh! They is blushing!" Taylor yelled.

"Now. Shawn your turn." He added.

"Cami, truth or dare?" He asked. I knew where this was going. Shoot.

"Dare." I said. Now he can't make me confess my feelings.

"I dare you to tell me if you like me." I blushed. He found the loop-hole. I looked away.

"Well?" Jack J pushed.

"YES! OKAY! I DO! NOW SHUT UP!" I yelled. Everyone looked at me. I started to run away. I needed to get away from everything. I was so embarrassed, even though he likes me too. But the whole gang knows. I only told Nash. Because he's my best friend. I kept running. I heard someone behind me.

"CAMILE!" It was Nash.

I stopped and turned to him. I ran and hugged him.

"Camile. What's wrong? Why did you run?"

I need him to help me with my life.

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