Chapter 8

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Today Shawn texted me telling him to meet me at the park. I don't know why but it is probably because he's bored. He calls me to the park when he's bored. I grabbed my longboard and decided to skate there. As I passed all the houses on the way, I saw a little girl, walking by herself. She had tears in her eyes, and was walking all alone. It broke my heart to see a child like that walking around. I jumped off my board and ran to her. She looked up at me, her face stained with tears, and her eyes filled with fear.

"Hey, sweetie. What's wrong, what happened?" I asked sweetly. He little brown eyes looked up at me. She started to ball, and I couldn't stand it.

"My. My mommy. She is dead. Because of. My daddy." I looked at her. She just told me, that her mother was murdered by her father. Holy shit.

"Oh, sweetie! We need to report your daddy. He will be put in jail then." I whispered. She looked at me and shook her head.

"No. Then I will be all alone." She whispered. I looked at her, my own tears flooding my eyes.

"Hey, what's your name?" I asked. Her eyes still filled with fear and sadness.

"Esther." She said.

"Esther. If you will let me, I will take you to the police department, get your father arrested, then I will take you with me to my home." I said. She had a sudden burst of joy in her eyes. She nodded. I picked her up in my arms.

"But first, wanna go meet my friend?" I asked. I hadn't canceled on Shawn, and he needs to see this little, 4 year old girl. I promise you it'll break his heart in half like mine.

"Okay," She said and I got back on my board. Not long after, we arrived at the park, and there Shawn was, standing under a tree. I pointed him out to her.

"That's my friend." I said.

"Is he your boyfriend?" For a little girl she was pretty smart.

"I wish, Esther. I wish." I said. Shawn looked up at us, then got a confused look on his face.

"Who is this little cutie?" He asked, smiling his cute smile.

"Hi, Camille's friend. I'm Esther. And Camille says she wishes you were her boyfriend." Esther stated. I face burned up and I looked at Shawn, to see him laughing. I put Esther down and told her to go to the playground.

"Why do you have this random girl?" He asked. His face was bug eyed and confused.

"Well, so I was riding here, when I saw her walking on the street alone. So I stopped and talked to her, and it turns out, her father murdered her mother, and she witnessed it. So I told her we would report and arrest her father and I would help her. And I mean, take her home." He looked less confused. He looked at Esther, who was sitting on a swing. Tears welded up in his eyes.

"I know, sad." I said. He looked at me.

"We gotta help her." He commanded.
I nodded. I ran over and got Esther.

"Let's go home." I said. We all walked home together. Little did I know things were changing.

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