Chapter 15

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All I know is that I was pushed into the truck and being knocked unconscious. I haven't woken up yet, because I don't see anything but a dream inside my head. I was, in a building. In my dream. But, I didn't recognize it. Then I saw that boy, the one who was in the elevator. He was with 2 people. A man and a woman. I didn't recognize them. Then I woke up.
I was in that building, but alone. No one was with me. It took me 4 seconds to realize that I wasn't wearing clothes. And I was tied up to a pipe. Then, the woman came in. She had dark brown hair like mine. She had a gun on her side, and a knife on the other. Okay, don't mess with this bitch! Anyway, she walked toward me, and pulled out her knife.
"Hello, Camille,". Her voice was icy and creepy. Like a voice you would hear in horror movies.
"Who are you!?" I yelled.
"My name is Clarissa. Your mother. Don't you remember?" She asked. Her voice made chills roll down my spine.
"You're not my mother! My mother is dead you bitch!" I screamed.
"Let me go!"
"If your mother is dead, then how am I here?" She asked.
"You're not my mother! My mother id Janice Shane! And she's dead!" I shouted. This bitch is on my nerves.
"Your parents are dead! You're right! But they are not you parents!" She yelled.
"Yes they are!"
"Okay, have it your way. But until you believe me, it will keep happening." She left me with a puzzled look. What keeps happening? Then she let a man in, about around his 30s, and he came over to me. I was naked. And this man was raping me. Fuck. I strangled trying to get loose, but he wouldn't stop. I cried. I need my family. My friends. Shawn.
She's gone. She's not here. Damn it! This is all my fault. I knew we shouldn't have left her alone after what she told me about the stalker. Now she's probably dead. She's probably dead! All because of me! And all because of me, all of us are searching for her around the whole city. Esther is crying in my arms while I carry her around. Nash is walking beside me, constantly cursing and burying his hands in his face. Jocelyn is with us too, but the rest of the guys are split up around the city. Jocelyn kept trying to hold back tears. Her hand was gripped as tight as it could go around Nash's. Then his head spun up.
"Maybe there are clues about where she is!" Nash exclaimed and started running home. Joce ran after him. I didn't bother running. I didn't even go home. I went to my tree, the place where me and Camille had our first kiss. The place where I thought I would have lost everything. But I didn't. Until now. I put Esther on my back, and started climbing. At the top, I looked up at the moon, out of the hole in the tree. I lay down between branches, and put Esther beside me. She was asleep, but still crying. I'm such a dumbass. Oh my, GOD I'M SUCH AN IDIOT!
"I'M A DUMBASS! AN IDIOT!" I yelled into the night. I probably woke Esther. Yeah I did.
"Shawn, was that a dream? Is Cami really gone?" She asked with a tear-stained face. It broke my heart that I probably killed my girlfriend, and that my little girl is crying so much.
"I'm sorry, Esther. It wasn't a dream." I muttered. This time, her eyes didn't water. They just, shook. She put her head next to mine.
"I hope she is okay." She mumbled.
"Me too baby girl, me too."
The sun shined bright in my face as I woke up. Ah crap, I slept in the tree. Esther was still beside me sleeping peacefully. She's adorable. And Camille might never see her again. Guilt swept across me. I might never see her again. The thought of her being gone, just tore my heart apart. We need to find her. We just........need to.

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