Chapter 23

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A wheelchair. For a month. Oh shit. This will be tough. The doctor brought in a chair. With wheels. Shawn picked me up and placed me in the chair. I got the hang of wheeling myself around. Shawn insisted on pushing me around though. This chair is very uncomfortable. We took the elevator down to the lobby, where all the guys were, including Esther, Chris, Karisma, Kirsten and Jocelyn. Crawford was with us. They all hugged me. I explained that I will need the wheelchair.
"Okay, we need to go home." I said.
"Family, you can stay with us." I said. They all cheered. I giggled. Whoa, I never giggle. Weird. Shawn rolled me out to his car. He opened his trunk.
"Whoa! I'm not going in there!" I protested. He chuckled.
"This is for your wheelchair." He said. He called Nash over to put my chair in the trunk. Shawn carried me bridal style to the passenger seat. Esther went in the back seat.
"Your okay! I'm happy!" She exclaimed. I smiled. Tears formed. Happy tears.
"Hey, what month is it?" I asked. We never checked the date while we were walking.
"Um, July 3rd." Shawn said. I froze.
"I've been gone for almost a year?!" I asked. He nodded.
"Now you know why every phone call we've had over that time was so precious to me." He said.
"So we're almost 18." I said. He smiled his famous Shawn Mendes smile. My favourite smile in the universe. And he was all mine. All MINE! We started driving home, out of the city. I really didn't like the feeling of not being able to feel my legs. I looked outside. It was a beautiful sunny day. Esther fell asleep in the back of the car.
"How much has she slept lately?" I asked him.
"I don't know. Nash said not much. He said she kept having nightmares then not being able to sleep after she woke up." He said. I looked back at her. He little eyes shut. I looked out the window again. We were at our house. I unbuckled my seat belt. Shawn got out and brought over my wheelchair. I move my self with my arms into the chair. He woke up Esther. Soon other people drove in. He wheeled me inside.
"Want something to eat?" He asked. I shook my head.
"I just wanna sleep." I muttered. He rolled me to the stairs, then picked me up bridal style. He carried me up the stairs to someones old room. I looked around. There was white walls and all black stained wood furniture. I flung my arms around his neck.
"I love you guys." I said.
"We know." He placed me carefully on my new bed and kissed me on the forehead.
"Goodnight." He said. He softly closed the door behind him. I soon, drifted into a slow sleep.
I woke up hours later. I looked at my phone which was charging. 4 am. Great. I stood up and tried to walk, but then soon fell to the floor. Oh yeah. I can't walk. Someone opened my bedroom door. There stood Esther.
"Hey baby." I said.
"I heard you fall." She said. She walked over to me and helped me on my bed.
"Thanks." I said.
"Why did you try to stand?" She asked quietly.
"I was hungry." I said.
"Do you want me to get you food?" She asked. I smiled.
"Could you get me a few oreos?" I asked. She nodded. She silently walked down the stairs and came up later with 3 oreo cookies.
"Thank you." I said. She came and gave me a hug.
"I will do anything for you until your better." She said. I smiled.
"Could you go to my dresser and grab me a sports bra?" I asked. She moved to my dresser and pulled one out.
"Thank you. Go to sleep now." I kissed her forehead and she left the room, closing my door quietly. I take off my shorts so I'm only in underwear and a sports bra. I fall back onto my pillow and sleep, again.

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