Chapter 31

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"Dude! Look at what's blowing up on twitter!" Jack G told me over the phone. He called me and this is all he says? I go check Twitter and see all these tweets about what happened at the club. What happened while we were out last night? Camille has been distant, somethings up with that too. I find a short video of me making out with a random girl. Wait that's not any random girl. Holy crap that's Claire! No not Claire! The stupid stalking girl that finds me wherever I am. Ugh! Camille must be so mad! I'm such an idiot for getting drunk!
I slammed my hand to my head and ran to her room. She was sitting on her bed fiddling with something as I busted through her door. "Camille!" I ran to her bed, and fell on my knees before her. "What do you want!?" She snapped. I fell back as she snapped at me. "Don't you wanna go see that girl you love so much! So much you would smile and make out with her!" She yelled. "No no no! Your the one I love! I was drunk! I wasn't thinking! I don't even remember that! I didn't know!" I exclaimed. "Still, I'm mad at you for being that drunk." She snapped. "And you don't even drink!" She exclaimed. I nodded. "They boys convinced me. It was only for my birthday." I say. She rolls over on her stomach. "We cool?" I ask. "I don't know." She mumbles. "I know you can't stay mad at me..." I say. She giggles and fiddles with something on her wrist. "What's that?" I ask. She shows me a bracelet. The one I gave her for her birthday last year. "You still wear it?" I ask, surprised. She nodded, biting her lip. "Every day." She smiled. I grab her hands and hold them in mine. "I love you." I mumble. "I love you too." She kisses me lightly, then her face fell on her bed. "I'm tired." Her voice muffled because of the blanket. "Goodnight, then." I say getting up. "Sweet dreams." I say, softly. I close the door, knowing I've made the right decision, loving her.

~le skip to them going back to Toronto


I can now physically walk. It's tough, and the doctor said that I might fall down sometimes, due to the paralysis. It's like a monthly thing too. So, I'm not going near cliffs.
We got off the plane and back to Canada. I know what your saying. "Waist of money, traveling back and forth." But we had to get rid of my wheelchair. We stayed for a few days. Then went back. Now we are here! Esther decided not to go, because the Griers are going to stay there for a bit, and she wants her bestfriend Skylynn. We aloud her to stay, but the only boy I trust to watch her is Taylor. So she is under his responsibility now. I know: "But Taylor is the LEAST responsible!" When it comes to kids, he's your man. Any whoo! We went back to Shawn's house to be greeted by a warming Mendes family. They greet us with love. That's the family love. This is probably making no sense.

I dumped my stuff in Shawn's bedroom and fell on his couch. "I'm tired!" I whined. I've been saying that a lot lately. He came and picked me up, which made me squeal, then pull me on his bed and cuddled me up to him. "Then goodnight." He whispered. We fell into a deep sleep, that would only be broken if cymbals clashed into a microphone in our ears.

We woke up, to Aaliyah shaking us. "We're going out for the day. You guys can do whatever." She said, walking out. I shrugged and closed my eyes again. "I don't wanna wake up." I whine. Shawn starts kissing though, which makes me wide awake. I kiss him back, with great passion. Let's just say, at the end of that, it got heated, and we did some stuff that I don't wanna put into detail. In other words, I woke up naked, next to him.

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