~Trial of Truth~

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"Ai-chan, we've done everything that you ordered. Is there anything else?" A guard asked "arrest Myne and the king..and get a trial ready for tomorrow, those are what the queen requested" I ordered "yes ma'am! And what about the church?"

"That'll be handled after, just do the first task" I said "of course!" He ran out of my room as I stood at the bed "I know that look..since the queens back, you're back to work here"

"I..I don't wanna leave him. He's so nice and kind..he cares for me, but my duties are here at the castle. So I must" I said "Ai-chan!" I turn to the door seeing a guard "what is it?" I asked "you have someone who wants to speak with you" he said "bring them in.."

"You seem busy now" I turn to Ren who stood at the door "did you hear what I just said?" I asked "you mean..saying you'll stay cause it's your job? Ya I did..I don't understand why, can't you continue?" Ren asked "I wish I could..but I serve the queen, and I must return. It's my duty to protect her..I'm sorry Ren" I said turning

"I see..." "go and get some rest, tomorrow..head to the castle at once, only you alone. I asked other guards to say the same for the other two." I said "why?"

"Cause the truth..will be revealed"


Waiting for the heroes, I stood by the queens side where Melty stood at the other side, the doors opened as the heroes (and Naofumi's party) walked in.

"I thank you for coming, Four Cardinal Heroes" the Queen said "where's Myne?" Motoyasu asked "I don't see the king, either" Itsuki mentioned "Ai" I nod as I walked forwards "guards! Bring them both in!" I shouted

The door opened revealing them in chained up "Myne!" "Motoyasu-sama! Help me!" I walked down towards the heroes as I headed to the King and Myne. I then turned and walked back to the queen "what's going on?" Ren asked "I'll explain"

"It's what you see right before you! They are criminals" I said, the three heroes turn to me surprised "now, we shall begin. The trial of the foolish king consort and the first princess!"


"Mama, you're being too cruel!" Myne shouted "my queen, what brings you to commit such an outrage? This isn't like you!" The king yelled as he was stopped by the knights "with the Four Cardinal Heroes in attendance, this trial seeks to punish the ones responsible for shaking the country to its core, and I, the queen, am it's judge and executor" the Queen said

"Don't tell me...did the Devil of the Shield brainwash you, too?" The king asked "silence! It should've been clear..that Naofumi-sama doesn't have that kind of skill!" I yelled "w..what are you.."

"In order to ensure a fair trial, you will be given a temporary slave crest" the Queen said as I walked over to Myne "Mama?!" A guard brought the ink and brush to me, I knelt down pulling her armour down a little and drawing the crest.

She screamed in pain as I stood and placed the items back on the tray, and this is where..the trial begins.

"Let us officially begin the trial." The queen ordered "that said, your crimes are clear for all to see. You can't worm your way out of them" the Queen said "we don't know that yet! What crimes did they commit, anyway?" Motoyasu asked "it seems..you don't have a brain, Motoyasu-sama" "what?"

"First, lets address the recent events." The Queen said as I nodded "using a fake holy weapon, the Pope of the Three Heroes Church tried to murder the world's heroes, but he was defeated in the act. I have guards rounding up the church's remnants as we speak, too." I said

"So what?" Motoyasu asked "appallingly, the king and the first princess were colluding with the Church." I continued "Wh-What?"
"Are there any objections to the charge?" The queen asked

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