~taking it easy~

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"Ren-sama!" He saw me run towards him smiling "you're looking better" I smile when I reached Ren "Yup! I'm better and ready for anything!" I said "take it easy, you just got better..it's best to regain energy"

"Right! So how've you been doing?" I asked "just fine, everyone's been training hard." Ren said "that's good! The next wave will be here soon and-!" I then remembered what's happening on the same day as the wave.

*crap!! The moon/sun will be different..and I'm the only one who'll react to it!!*

"Are you okay?" He asked "Yup! I'm fine..don't you worry!" I said blushing in embarrassment "your face is red..are you sure you're okay?" Ren asked "I'm fine, Ren-sama! Just fine!"

"Anyways..I just noticed your weapon, it's pretty damaged up. I know it won't last long" I took a look at my sword "it's fine! I'll just use one of my other ones. That's what I've been doing for a while now" I said.
"That won't do. Cmon, I'll buy you a new one"

"Y-You don't have to do that! I'm fine with the sword I have. Plus I don't want you to waste any silver or Gold!" I said raising my hands "a piece of silver or gold, isn't worth anything that I get for you" I blush as he turned to the blacksmith area.

*I'm worth more then gold or silver..*


"What brings the sword hero here?" The man asked "I'm getting a sword for her, or anything she can use as a weapon" Ren said "Ai-san! It's been awhile! You've grown lots"

"I guess I have..is there a sword I can use, or anything?" I asked "I do have something that might fit your taste..it's a bit different from what I usually make. Here we are"

The sword looked really different from, Rens. It had wings on the side at the bottom, the blade was thicker. It sent off an aura of a blue Phoenix.
"It's perfect!" I said "then since it's for you..I'll give you a discount, how does five silver sound?"

"It sounds fine.." he handed the money over, we walked out with my new sword "I can't wait to test it out!" I said holding it up to the sky "you can do that tomorrow, it's starting to get dark." I then felt it pulse, like it was alive.

"Is this..is this sword alive?" I asked "what?" Ren walked over seeing nothing was wrong "I felt it pulsing..maybe it's..nothing?!" Something flew out of the sword, it landed on my head.

nothing?!" Something flew out of the sword, it landed on my head

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"A..A Phoenix?" I grabbed It seeing it was sleeping "wake up.." the eyes were yellow when it started opening, it's wings were beautiful "momma! Momma!"
"Wait what.."

"Oh sorry! I'm Dark Flame! Spirit of the sword you have, mistress-Ai!"

"Wait so..that was you?" I asked
"That's right! And you are, Sir-Ren! Sword hero of the land! I'm glad to be working with you both!"

"So..we have a Phoenix now..it won't matter, it just makes our strength stronger" Ren said "I guess..let's head to the inn! I'll introduce you to the others!" I said running ahead.

"She'll be mine you know.."

Ren turned to the Phoenix "I don't know what you mean" he said "can't you tell..once she touched the sword, I knew me and her would be together forever. So don't get in my way" Dark Flame said flying after me

"It's not like, I like her..that bird is a strange one"

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