~Pack with Ren!~

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Last time on, rising heroes. Naofumi-sama has been caught trying to rape one of his teammates, and stealing my mother's necklace. Upset and terrified I was, I joined with the sword hero, Ren Akami.

"How far is this place, anyways?" One of his teammates asked "it's far, but it doesn't matter. We can train while we get there!" I said turning to them "it should take at least two nights, maybe three. But he's the only one I know who can make a proper pack with me and Ren-sama!" I said smiling

"How you doing after, you know.." the girl asked "fine now. My head is clear and ready for battle!" I said "then let's see how you fight" I turn to Ren seeing him holding one of those ballon creatures "are you sure? Don't you want to find a stronger creature?" I asked "she's right, those ballon things are weak" the magician said.

"Besides, I don't like wasting my strength on creatures like that" I said "speaking of which..Demi-humans have magic correct?" "Yes..I can send support magic to anyone of you guys, healing..speed, you name it. But I can also create illusions, also..by using the illusions I can alter any crystal ball footage" I said "good be helpful.."

My tail tensed up "move!" I shouted drawing my sword at the creature "what the?!" "You little..trying to sneak up on us, I'll have your head!" I shouted throwing it back
Illusion-thousand Lighting!

The creature was turned to dust, panting after using an illusion "it's starting to get dark, let's set up to camp the night" Ren said *i hope this is worth it..*


Late at night, the moon shining down on the forest. The camp fire burning bright and hot, everyone sleeping soundly and peacefully. Well not everyone, Ren was still up.

My ears twitched when hearing the fire cracking, sitting up slowly. I whipped my eyes seeing Ren still up "Ren-sama..if you want, I can't take over" I said getting up "it's fine..just get some rest-" walking over to him tired and yawning, I sit down on the ground beside him.

"Ai-san?" He noticed my tail going back in fourth, my ears down while I sat beside him "are you..happy to be beside me or something?" He asked, I blushed turning away embarrassed "guess..I've gotten use to you already.." I said averting eye contact.
"Rest..you'll need it for tomorrow" he said "alright..but as long as you also take a rest!" I said "I said I'm-"

"Don't give me that! I can tell just by looking at you, you're tired. And it's not good to be so tired!" I Said "fine.."


The next day, we have arrived at the village where my friend is "Neko-chan!" I jumped giving my friend a hug "Ai-chan, what a surprise. And who are they?" She asked "this is Ren-sama and his party members" I said "eh! You've grown up! Already got yourself a mate!"

"N..Neko-chan!" My face went completely red "a..anyways! Could you put the pack seal on me?" I asked "oh, of course! Ren come this way please, the rest of you can please wait outside. This'll only take a second" me and Ren followed her inside her house, she grabbed the brush and bowl with the ink.

Ren cut hit finger a little, the blood dripped into the ink. She walked over and drew the symbol on my chest, I screamed in pain as the process went through "and there..now she can't tell a lie, or disobey you" Neko said "and it'll work?" Ren asked "give it a try"
"Ai-san..give me permission to pet your ears" I looked at Ren with a unpleased face "the hell! There's no way I'll-!"

The seal reacted to me disobeying Ren "alright, the next wave won't be long. Let's get a move on and train" Ren said getting up and walking out "Ai, he's a keeper" I blush turning to Neko "ya ya..thanks so much! Now be safe while the wave is happening" I said walking out as well.

*the wave..wonder how tough it'll be this time*

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