~the day I lost it all~

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Sometime went by after the duel, I asked my friend Neko what today was..and it was the day, I lost my parents and my siblings in the wave.

Waiting for Ren to hurry back, I was in the fields getting my anger out "once I find that women..the women who killed my whole family. It'll be her head!" I shouted slicing another beast in half, panting while I placed my sword back on my right side.
"Ai-san!" I turn seeing Ren and the other members.

"Leave me..I don't want to talk to anyone" I said turning away "are you still upset about the duel? It's over and done with..so let's-" "I said, I want to be alone! You guys can go and train!" I shouted turning and walking away "Ai-san!" "Wait, Ren-sama!" Neko ran up to him and explained my sudden act

"I see..so today was the wave that killed her family" Neko nodded before glancing over at me "whenever it's the day, she always in a bad mood. So I advise you leave her till the next day" Neko said *and then that Myne..how dare she blackmail the Shield Hero! She poisoned everyone with lies!*


Sitting up on a branch, while everyone else trained. Staring up at the sky, I still remembered the horrible day from this forwards. I could hear my members yelling and calling for me to come down and eat something, but I refused.

"It's been a day already..and she hasn't even gone back to normal" the Wizard said "hey! If you have something to say..THEN SAY IT!" I yelled to them "s..scary.."
"Leave her be, she'll come to her normal self eventually" Ren said as they got back to training "idiots..they know I'll be like this till I feel better" I said as my tail swinged side to side


It was starting to get dark, I haven't left my spot since the others went back to the inn to turn in. I looked up watching the sky turn to pitch dark sky's, deep blue filled the sky as the moon shined beautifully "the night..it reminds me so much of my village"

"Oi!" I looked down seeing Ren "what do you want?" I asked "it's best for you to come inside and call it a day" he said "no thanks..sleeping outside is what we cats do" I said leaning on the tree, my tail then went crazy "don't you dare!"

"This is an order!" My pack reacted shocking me, I jumped down with my ears and tail down "why can't you see I'm not in the mood?! I just want to be alone!" I shouted "what is wrong with you?"
"Neko told you right?! That I won't be normal for a couple of days..either I calm down, or I'm like this forever! And I don't care which on it is!" I shouted "Ai.."

"I can never forget that day..I can't forget it..my family..my village, it's been turned to rubble. I was captured and made to be a slave, but I escaped and worked at the castle..but every time the day comes, I would always act this angry and become distance with others." I said turning.

"Ai-san.." "I..I'm sorry, Ren-senpai..I'm not fit to work with you, if I'm like this..I'll only slow you down" I said turning while tears fall, but my pack symbol reacted "you're lying.."
"I'm not..this thing is just broke-!"

I couldn't lie..I wanted to stay, but I doubted myself and my abilities "Ai..we all want you with us. It doesn't matter what you say, you're part of our group. And that won't change anything" Ren said "but..there'll be a chance I won't be able to aid you in battle."

"So? As long as we work together..we'll end the wave, now cmon" he held out his hand towards me, I smiled while taking it "I feel better now..thanks, Ren-senpai" I said "alright..time to turn in, including you"

"Ya ya! I'll see ya there..I just gotta, clear something out first" he nodded then walked off *is what people say true..*

"If the waves are gone..will..will the heroes really, be sent back to there worlds?"

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