~The Wave..of Memory~

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"Uh..what happened to you?" Ren asked "this is bad..I lose my powers of cat, but it's fine..I can still fight!" I said drawing my sword "you sure?"

"Yes! Now let's go!"


The Wave has started, a boat was appeared in the middle of no where..every hero and there meme era went to go and fight whatever creature was on it.

"Dark Flame!" "On it..Milady!"

He flew around the creatures and destroyed them *what is this feeling..this power, it couldn't be..*

"Ren-Sama..I don't see this..Soul Eater, anywhere" I mentioned "keep looking! We can't fail here" I nod still trying to look for the creature, that's when he..Naofumi and his crew came in "N..Nao.." Dark Flame saw the fear in my eyes, he flew in front of me ready to attack whenever.

I felt the same power again, the aura..the feeling I have inside me, I started shaking in fear..the power was the same as..the one who, killed off my parents..and my siblings
Then Naofumi attacked the shadow with Raphtalia' light magic, and that summoned..the Soul Eater.

"I..I remember these things.." I fell in fear after seeing them revealing their form "Ai!?" "I..it can't be..this creature..I-I can't!" I yelled while holding my head in my hands "don't fight then..I am your weapon, I'll fight for you"

Ren, Itsuki and Motoyasu attacked the beast. But they hardly did anything "if this things terrifies, Milady..then something must've happened way back.." Dark Flame whispered to Ren
Filo attacked it with a Wind spell, then the beast fired an powerful attack "R..Ren-Sama!" I hurried over to his side, seeing his damaged face from the blast "Ren-Sama.." "I'm alright.." I helped him up as Filo, attacked the Soul Eater.

"If they keep this up..it'll kill it but, I don't really think..this is the real boss" I said "what..I don't understand." Motoyasu said "I..I don't either.."

Then..Naofumi used a shield familiar to me, the Rage Shield "R..Ren-S..Sama.." he saw the shaking and fear in me, holding me tight in his arms, he tried to calm me down, Filo was also effected by this somehow. They both attacked it head on

"He's basically a wild beast. That isn't how a hero is supposed to fight." Myne said "what do you know?!" I yelled "Ai-chan.."
"Naofumi is fighting like a hero! Beast or not! He's still a hero while fighting..and what are we doing?! We're just standing here while he just..fight for us.."

"You annoying, Demi-Human."

"I might be scared at this point of time..and I might not have my magic as a cat, but as a warrior..no..as a member of one of you heroes, we must aid those who fight along side us. Even if it's, Naofumi-sama. We have the power to help him fight..so why are we standing here..doing nothing?!" I yelled "you can't call yourselves heroes..if you don't help those who need it! We have caused many people suffering and pain..but that can all change here and now, we change the way things are and..help Naofumi-sama defeat that, Soul Eater!"

Two creatures were about to attack, but Ren and Itsuki stopped them "why should I have to help that bastard?!" Motoyasu asked in anger "I hear you, but we have no other choice right now." Itsuki said "Damn it all!"

"Ren-Sama..Careful" I said "don't you worry..I won't be killed by a beast like this" I smiled at him as he turned back to the beast, everyone attacked the creature, but doing hardly any damage
Shield Prison!

Naofumi trapped it within a prison of chains and shields, then he made the prison stab the beast. And summoned a Maiden Shield prison, where the beast..has been killed.
But the fight..wasn't over, the spirals in the Sky didn't disappear "w..why didn't everything go..to normal..Ren-Sama..!"

Another one came out but..someone attacked it "how very disappointing." A girl with long black hair, wearing a dark purple kimono has appeared "n-no..not you..no you again!" I yelled in fear "you know her?" Myne asked "t..that girl..killed my family! She killed everyone I loved!"
"You have trouble with weaklings like these? Are you really the heroes who hold the worlds fate in their hands?"

Her gaze went to me, she used some sort of magic to chain me up and being me to her "Ai-chan!" She smiled then walked to the heroes "it seems only one man here is worthy of even begin call a hero. What is your name?" She asked

"You're supposed to introduce yourself before asking for someone' name." Naofumi said "oh, pardon me. My name is Glass. Feel free to consider me your enemy, hero." Glass said "Enemy?"

"I'm Naofumi"
"Naofumi, is it? Then, shall we begin! The true battle of this wave?" The wind grew stronger, her fan weapons ready for any attack.

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