Chapter 16

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(Emma's POV)
Why? Why did I wait so long to tell Regina? I should have just told her as soon as I felt if. Or as soon as I knew it was real. I've know Regina for a while and I've liked her for almost as long. I mean wouldn't it be logical for her to pick me? She obviously likes me back and we have a son together. It makes sense doesn't it? I really hope she picks me. I really hope she loves me. I've never loved anyone like that since Neal. That was a long time ago though, so it's been a while. I'm kind of scared, but at the same time I'm not. I know it makes no sense, but that's me. I'm complicated, but so is Regina. If you really think about it we have a lot of things in common. I feel like in my heart we were meant to be together. After my talk with Robin I'm starting to feel way more confident. With his cocky ass. Who the hell does he think he is? Coming into my apartment and challenging me. This guy is nuts. Let's see how confident he is when she picks me.
Next chapter? The match. Sad to say the book is coming to an end. Stay tuned! Its going to be an ending you wont forget. 😉

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