Chapter 5

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(Regina's POV)

"What the-"
"You needed to get out of there. I know because the look on your face told me." Emma interrupted.
Robin came out soon after.
"Save it Robin, I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to speak with you right now" Emma fired snarkely.
Both Robin and I were suprised with Emma.
"Last time I checked Regina still had her voice. I'm sure Regina can speak for herself." Robin fired back with an attitude. They both stared at me intensely. I had nothing to say to either of them so I just walked away. At first, they stood in place confused. Then they both followed after me.
"Regina!" Emma called. I stopped where I was and turned to look at both of them staring at me.
"What?" I said harshly.
"Regina, I don't know how many times I can apoligize for everything I've done. I really didn't mean to hurt you." Robin said sincerely.
"But you did. And its going to take some time to get over it." I replied softly
"Regina I am sorry too. I should have never brought her back. I know I wasn't suppose to change the past but I wanted to save someones life, but I've learned my lesson and if there ever is a 'next time' I won't let it happen again. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't know who she was. I-"
"Enough. Please. I know, you didn't know who she was. And I know, that you wanted to save her, but you still shouldn't have done that. It could did....mess with present day. It is going to take a while to forgive you also. Now if you both excuse me, I am going home. I need some time to think." I explained to them and began to walk home. I finally got home after what felt like forever. I walked upstairs and put on my purple silk night gown and layed in bed reading all night until I fell asleep.

* * *

(Earlier that day. Emma's POV)

After Regina went home I stood in place for a minute or two until I began to walk back to the apartment. As soon as I walked my mom began asking questions right away. "How'd it go? What did she say? Does she forgive you? Does she hate you? Does she want to be friends? Wha-"
"Mom. Can you relax?" I intterupted.
"Sorry, but I want to know. So?" She asked.
"She isnt completely infuriated anymore, but she is still going to need time to forgive me." I replied.
"Ohh thats a good start though. Atleast she isnt trying to kill you." My morher said with a giggle.
"Yea." I said sofltly.
"Emma is there something wrong?"
", I'm fine."
"Are you sure you don't want to talk? You know you can tell me anything right?" she said comforting me.
"Yea I know mom. And yea I'm sure, I'm fine." Good thing she couldn't tell that I was lying. I mean how could I tell my mom that I think I'm in love with Regina? How would I tell my dad? He would kill me. I have to tell someone. Maybe Ruby? Ugh! Maybe tomorrow. I changed into my pj's and went to sleep.

* * *

(Earlier that day. Robin's POV)

I felt horrible after Regina left. if I was empty. Alone. I need her. I need her badly. I miss holding my body against hers. Feeling every inch of her body with my hands. Kissing her soft, plump lips. I hate being without her. Its like I have a hole in my heart. A hole only Regina could fill. I loved Marian but that was a long time ago. I still love her, but I love Regina more. More than I have ever loved anyone, besides Roland. I feel like I cannot live without her. She is my everything. She is my one and only. I need to show her that. I got back to my room at Granny's Inn. When I got there, Roland and Little John were asleep. I left for a second to go the the room down the hall. I knocked three times softly.
"H-hello Robin. Is everything okay?"
"Yes, I was just coming to see if you were okay."
"Well yes, I am fine. Thank you for your concern"
"Your welcome. Well goodnight Marian." I said softly.
"Good night Robin" she responded with a smile. I went back into my room, put on my sleeping clothes and fell asleep thinking about Regina. I love her so much. I have to fight for her. I know I do.

Hey guys!!!! I know it's been a while, I have just been really distracted lately. I'm back now though. I hope you liked this chapter! Next one should be longer. Vote! Comment! Share! Tell your fellow Oncer friends! ^_^

-Rebecca 💖

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