Chapter 15

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(Robin's POV)

It's been about a weeek since Regina kissed me. I'm still so confused as to what exactly was happening. She kissed me and then ran away. Maybe I've done something wrong. Who knows? I'm still not understanding this whole situation completely. I mean out of all people Emma Swan is my competition. I had no clue Regina was into women. Then again, the way Swan acts could be mistaken as 'manly' I suppose. Still, I'm not sure as to why Emma waited until Regina was with someone to confess her 'love'.
* * *
I knocked on Emma's door and waited patiently. I decided that I was not going to keep myself wondering. The door swung open and a suprised look sat on Emma's expression.
"Robin.. What are you doing here? Is Regina okay?" She asked me quit concerned.
"She is fine. This is about you. May I come in?"
She stepped aside allowing me to enter. I stepped in and sat down at the table. Emma sat at the seat across from me and folded her hands.
"So what do you need?"
"Why confess your love for Regina now? When she is happy and okay?"
"She is hardly happy. You wife came back and almost ruined things between you guys. I didn't want to interfere with your relationship when you were actually together but now that you aren't-"
"You figured it would be the perfect chance for you to tell Regina..." I finished.
"Yea, sort of. Look Robin I'm sorry but-"
"Please do not apoligize. It will be me apoligizing..when Regina chooses me. She doesn't love you. In fact it is quit opposite."
"Thats why she kissed me back right in front of you?" Emma sassed. "Presicely. Your the product of true love. You tell me, did you feel any sparks? See any fireworks?" There was a long pause before I continued. "I assumed as much." And with that I stood and left. I have a strong feeling that Regina would choose me. I'm not sure why. What I am sure of is that I love her more than anything besides my son. I don't know what'd I'd do with out her.

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