Chapter 11

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{Emma's POV}

I need Regina to know how I feel. If she doesn't know how I feel she will never give me a chance and I need a chance. I just started walking down the street to Regina's house when I felt like I was being followed. When I finally turned around I saw Robin.

"Dude. Why are you following me?"

"I'm not following you. I'm on my way to Regina's house. I have some things to tell her."

We both stared at eachother for a minute. When I saw in his face that he realized I was going to do the same thing he was, I started running. He followed quickly right behind me. As we turned into Regina's driveway I tripped over bush branch that was sticking out at the bottom. I could hear his laugh has he hopped over me. As soon as I got up he had already knocked on the door and she had answered. I was now standing behind him as we were both panting, trying to catch our breath's.

"Regina we need to talk." Robin and I said in unison. I could tell by Regina's furrowed brows that she was competely lost.

"Uhhhhhhh ookayyyy. Come on in."

We both tried to step in at the same time and got stuck in the doorway. He stood back and ket me in first. As much as I felt like he was already becoming an enemy and he probably felt the same about me, he was still such a gentlemen which is partly why I despised him. We all went inside and sat on the living room couch, Regina sitting in the middle.

(Narrator's POV)

"Okay, Robin you first this time since Emma went first at the diner." Regina explained and Robin started.

"I know you want time, and I said I'd give you your time which I will, but I miss seeing your face everyday. I missing hugging you, kissing you, and spending time with you. I feel like I'm incomplete without you. It's like someone has ripped out half of my heart when your not around, and then put it back together when you're with me."

Regina's eyes began to water. She almost forgot Emma was there. Almost , but she didn't. She turned to Emma while trying to hold back her tears.

"Okay, what do we need to talk about?" She asked Emma nervously. There was a long moment of silence before Emma started.

"Regina I.....I.....I'm in love with you. I know it might sound crazy but I am. I was going to tell you a long time ago, but then you and Robin got together and I didn't want to ruin your relationship and-"

"Don't you think it's a little too late for that? I mean you brought back my wife for gods sake."

"Okay yea I did, but it wasnt on purpose. You on the other hand treated Regina like she was invisible the whole time cause you were too caught up with your wife so you are the last person who should be trying to put the blame on anyone else."

"ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU! I thought that we were all adults here. I understand where the both of your thoughts are but fighting about things will not make them better. So if you're both done arguing like children..." Regina sassed to the people she was sitting between.

"Look, the point is, Regina I am madly in love with you. I have been for the longest time. I wish I would have told you way sooner. Regina all I'm asking for is a chance. Just one chance to prove to you that I am the one who can love you the way no one else ever has." Emma practically begged Regina for a chance. She was dying for a chance to prove herself.

"Emma.......I-" Regina began to speak but was quickly cut off by the blonde's lips on hers. She did not move a muscle. She was in such shock at first the she didn't even know what was happening but when she realized, she kissed Emma back for four short seconds before she pulled away. Robin's jaw dropped to the floor. He had no idea what had happend either. He was even more in shock than Regina was. They all sat in place in a deafening silence. Emma and Robin staring at Regia and Regina staring at her hands which were placed neatly folded in her lap. The silence finally broke after what felt like for ever, but was only two minutes long.

"Well, I uh need some figure out where my mind is at the moment." Regina said as she stood up and walked over to the front door. She opend it and stood at the side holding the knob.

"I am going to have to ask you both to please leave....silently please. I've heard enough for one day."

The two dirty blonde's stood from the couch and began walking out. Emma had left, flashing Regina a shy but bright smile, and Robin had kissed Regina on the cheek before exiting her house. Boy did she feel trapped or what? She felt like a judge and Robin and Emma were defendants and victums telling their sides of the story to her, and now she has to make up her mind on who will win. How can I choose? They are both so.... perfect. Damn it. She thought to herself as she changed into her PJ's and fell fast asleep.


Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated and I know it's short but the next one should be longer. Love you all so much and thanks for 830+ reads!!!!!!!


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