Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Lets meet up

(Regina's POV)

I honestly don't know why I agreed to meet with Emma at Granny's. Ugh, just saying her name makes me want to kill someone. I feel bad for Robin. I closed him out quickly and then agreed to meet Emma for lunch. She hurt me even worse than he did and I'm meeting with her.

"Regina...." I turn around to see Robin. "Hello Robin."

"Regina you can try and push me away all you want but I will never stop fighting."

I couldn't help but give a sad smile. "Robin, I'm merting Emma for lunch at Granny's. Come with me? We could all ta-"

"Yes. I will come with you Regina."

"Okay. Lets go." As we walked to Granny's, people stared at Robin and I while whispering. Of course. These people have nothing better to do then to talk about me. I could honestly care less what these people think.

(Narrator's POV)

Robin and Regina walked into Granny's and instantly spotted Emma. Robin sat next to Emma while Regina sat on the other side of the booth alone.

"Okay so start talking. Someone." Regina said breaking the awkward silence. "Regina I am so so so SO sorry for bringing her back. I really didn't know and if I knew it would cause this much trouble I would have never done it" Emma pleaded.

"You shouldn't have done it in the first place. Didn't anyone ever tell you that changing the past messes with the present?" Regina fired back. "Look, I know I should have never braught her back. I wanted to save her life but it obviously was a mistake. It was never suppose to happen. She was suppose die and-"

"And leave her son and husband alone and in grief" Robin interuppted. Regina and Emma gave a sad look. They all looked at eachother awkwardly until they heard the bells of Granny's door. They turned to the door and saw Marian and Roland walk in happily. Regina felt herself filling up with sadness and anger all at once. Her eyes filled with unshed tears. Emma shoved Robin out of the booth, grabbed Regina's hand, and pulled her out of Granny's.


Hey guys!!!! So I know this is a short chapter but I promise the next one will be longer. Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I have been really busy. Love you guys though!!! Vote! Share! Comment!


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