Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: What the....

After hours of work Regina finally finished. She was kind of upset because now she had nothing to distract her. She went downstairs to check on her son. He was still sitting in the same spot he was in 3 hours ago still playing the same game. She saw that he was okay so she went to the kitchen and started making dinner. While waiting for some of the food to cook she poored herself a glasss of whine. She was stuck, sitting and thinking. She didn't want to think at the momment but she had nothing else to do. * Emma. Robin. Roland. Marian. Henry. Love. * is what was playing over and over again through her mind. Finally, she finished cooking and called Henry to come eat. "Are you okay mom?"

"Yes sweety. Why?"

"Well after yesterday, and then your dream, and then all this work, I don't know. You seem a little stressed."

"Yea I kind of am. Thanks for worrying sweet heart I appreciate it, but don't worry I'll be fine. I promise. Okay?"

"Okay, mom."

"Good. Now finish your dinner so we can go play some video games."

"You? Play video games? Really mom?"

"Wha, Why are you so suprised?"

"Haha. No reason."

* * *

After Henry fell asleep, Regina went upstairs and took a shower. Once again, left alone and undistracted. Only able to think. She finished in the shower and got ready for bed. She went downstairs to lock the door when somebody knocked. "Hello Regina." It was Robin.

"I'm getting ready to go to bed Robin. Have a nice night. She said closing the door in his face. 2 minutes later she heard more knocking. "Robin I told you I-" It was Emma this time. "Hi Regina. I can not say it enough times how sorry I am. Oh I see you were getting ready to sleep. I will just leave then. Goodnight Regina. Can we meet at Granny's tomorrow?" Regina was suprised and pleased that Emma realized that Regina was going to bed. She noticed fast enough that Regina didn't have to say it. It made her kind of happy. "Miss Swan you do realize how badly I want to chuck a fireball at your face right?"

"Yes, I know, but I just really think we should talk. Please?" Regina was angry but she said yes anyways. Emma left and Regina went off to bed. She was having one of those dreams again. This time, with Emma and Robin both in it.

~"Regina I love you. I am sorry for what I did. Just because she is back doesn't mean I don't love you." Robin whispered in her ear. "Regina don't listen to him. He is lying. I am so sorry for even bringing her back here but after he leaves with his wife you will see the person he really is" Emma said between soft kisses to Regina's hand. Then Robin pulled Regina close and kissed her soft, plump lips as Emma began to kiss Regina's neck. "You guys, how can , how, how, how can," Regina tried asking the two people how they both could have hurt her the way they did, but she was, distracted, to say the least.~

Regina finally awoke from her dream. "What the....."


Hey Guys! So this is Chapter 3. Sorry it's so short. If I'm not doing anything today (which I most likely won't be lol) then I'll come with chapter 4. Thanks for reading. Vote! Share! Comment! Tell your friends!


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