Chapter 6

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(Regina's POV)

Ugh. I hate waking up sometimes. Just as I got out of bed the door bell rang. I made my way downstairs and to the door. I opened it see TinkrBell. Before I could say anything she came in. I closed the door and turned to her with a 'are you crazy?' look.

"I know what Robin did to you was wrong but he is your true love. Pixie dust never lies-"

"Maybe it does. Maybe because Marian never died now, he isn't my true love anymore."

"Regina it doesn't work like that. You only have one true love in your life time. No matter what happened then and what's happening he is,was,and always will be YOUR true love. No one could ever change that."

"Maybe Marian can-"

"NO SHE CAN'T!!!" The fairy screamed at me which infuriated me.

"You dont know that!" I yelled back.

"Regina yes I do. Did you know that he has Marian staying in a different room at Granny's?" She asked. She must have saw the shock in my face because she began to grinn.

"Well maybe is he doing that for Roland. Maybe he doesn't want to rush him back to his mom so soon because he got use to being with her." I said.

"No Regina. It's because he loves you. He is trying to prove that he wants you and not her. He loves you Regina, so stop trying to deny yourself the happy ending you were ment to have." she said sincerely. I paused for a momment, then responded

"I don't know. I won't believe it until I see it." Obviously I gave Tinkerbell some kind of plan by saying what I said because she smiled then ran out. At the door she shouted "Bye Regina!" and slammed the door behind her. What did I just get myself into?

(TinkerBell's POV)

"I don't know. I won't believe it until I see it." And with that being said an idea blasted into my head. I didn't respond. I just ran. "Bye Regina!" I shouted at the door and just took off slamming the door behind me. I pretty sure that kind of got her upset. Oh well, she'll get over it. I ran around town and finally found mother supirior.

"Blue!" I hollard at her. She turned to me and smiled.

"Hello gree- Tinkerbell. How may I help you?"

"I know after what happend a long time ago you still don't trust me but I need pixie dust again. Just enough go show Regina that Robin is still her true love." I explained.

"Look Tinkerbell, I know you are trying to help, but like you said, I have a low amount of trust for you."

"I know Blue but this is my chance to earn that trust back and to prove to Regina that pixe dust never lies. Please Blue I'm beggin you" I had no other way to get it but to begg. After a momment of thinking she finally gave in.

"All right, but I hope that for your sake you don't mess up again. I would hate to take back your wins again."

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH BLUE! I won't let you down I promise." I assured her as she handed me the vile of pixie dust. I practically skipped to Regina's house. I didn't bother to knock because for me, her door is always open (she just doesnt know it).

"REGINA!!!!!!" I hollard in the empty mansion. Soon after my hollaring she came into the entry way from the kitchen.

"What now Tinkerbell?" I carefully pulled out the vile of pixie dust from my pocket and held it up in front of me.

"Why do you have...wait. Are you going to-"

"Prove that Robin really is your true love? Yes I am." I said in a high and confident tone.

"Are you ready Regina?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

And with that said we walked outside. I did the little magical thing with the pixie dust and let it take over. We followed the pixie dust trail until we got to the middle of StoryBrooke. Then something very odd happend. Something highly unusual.

"The pixie dust is...

(Regina's POV)

going in 2 directions" Tinkerbell stated the obvious.

"Lets split up. I take the right and you take the left" I explaind.

"Okay," she confirmed and we split into out assigned directions. I was walking for what felt like decades. I finally found my destination. Granny's. I followed the glowing green light up the stairs and in front of room 24B. I knocked on the door 3 times. It was exactly who I expected. Robin.


"Oops, wrong room. Sorry for intterupting what ever it is you were doing. Have a nice day Robin" and as I finished my sentence I quickly walked downstaira and sat at an outside table. Good thing I taught tink how to use a phone.

~Text to Tink~

Okay, you were right Robin is my true love. Or atleast one of them. Get back to me as soon as you find out who my other one is. If thats even possible.


She text me back immediately.

~From Tink~

Uhm, Regina. I know who it is. Its...Emma.



Hey Guys! Now I know this would have made more sense if the story started like this but I felt like I wanted to work my way to it. Next chapter will be getting into more details about progressing feelings for Robin and Emma. We might get a POV from all 3. Im not really sure yet. Thanks so much for reading! Sorry for any typos! Vote! Comment! Share! Tell your Oncer friends!



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