The order of the phoenix

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Tonks's P.O.V.

Tonks stood in a quiet street in the middle of the night. Her boss and mentor stood beside her.
'Here,' said Moody. 'Memorise this.'
Tonks took the paper and memorised it.
'The order of the phoenix lies in 12 Grimmauld place,' was the message on the paper.
She looked back up and saw in front of her, a building appearing in between the other houses. Moody walked up to the house and pulled the door open and walked in. Tonks followed him. She had just stepped through the doorway when she tripped over her cloak and fell with a crash onto the floor, knocking over an umbrella stand.
'Tonks for God's sake!' Growled Moody.
'Are you ok?' Came another, more gentle, concerned voice. 
She looked up and saw a man with chocolate brown eyes and scars covering his face standing above her. He gave her his hand and she grabbed it and he pulled her up.
'Thanks.' She said, smiling gratefully at him. 'Sorry. I'm really clumsy.' She laughed.
He chuckled. 'That's ok.'
She rubbed the back of her head and winced.
'Does it hurt really bad?' He asked.
'No...It's fine. It happens a lot.' She grinned.
He smiled. 'Ok. My names Remus by the way. What's yours?'
'Nice name. I'm Tonks. Well...My first name is Nymphadora but please just call me Tonks. I hate my first name.'
'Good to meet you Tonks,' He said. 'Out of interest, why don't you like your first name?'
'It's just so long and boring.' She laughed.
'I think it's a pretty name.' He smiled. 'But of course I'll call you Tonks if you prefer that.'
'Oi! You two. Shut it. We have a meeting!'
'Sorry,' said Tonks but she rolled her eyes at Remus and he grinned.
They walked into the dining room and sat down next to each other. The rest of the order was already there. Moody sat down at the head of the table and started talking. Tonks didn't really hear what he was saying because she was thinking about Remus. She wondered where his scars had come from. She suddenly felt someone nudging her in the side and she looked up in surprise and saw Remus grinning at her.
'I think Moody is trying to tell you something Tonks.' He chuckled.
'Oh, sorry.' She grinned and looked at Moody. 
Moody glared at her. 'As I was saying, you are all going to be patrolling different places in pairs when we finish this meeting. Nymphadora-'
'Don't call me Nymphadora!' She said, glaring at him and saw Remus smile.
'You will be patrolling Hogsmeade with Remus.' Moody continued, ignoring her. 
Tonks smiled at Remus and he smiled back at her. Moody continued to assign all the partners and then the meeting was finished and Tonks and Remus got up.
'Ready to go, Remus?' Tonks asked.
'yes.' Remus smiled and they walked outside and disapparated to a side street in hogsmeade. Tonks tripped upon arrival but she felt strong arms grab her waist and pull her upright.
'Thank you...' She said, trying hard not to blush.
He smiled. 'No problem. Come on, let's go start our patrol.'
They crept forwards and peered around. It was midnight and the village was silent. The moon was shining down on them from its place in the sky. She saw Remus seemed to wince away from the moonlight and looked confused at him.
'Are you alright?' She asked.
'Well...I suppose you should know because the rest of the order do...but I'm...I'm a werewolf...'
She was shocked. 'A werewolf?' She asked. 'Oh poor you...' she said, sadly.
Remus looked up in surprise. 'You mean you don't hate me?' 
'Of course not silly,' She laughed. 'It's not your fault you're a werewolf.'
He smiled happily at her. 'Thank you...That means a lot.'
'Don't mention it,' She said. 'Only a bad person would hate someone just because they are a werewolf.' 
Tonks thought she heard something and looked around. The street was silent. She turned back to Remus. 'Well, now you've told me something about yourself, I guess I should tell you something about me. I'm a metamorphmagus.'
Remus gasped. 'Wow! That's very rare isn't it?'
'It is.' Said Tonks. 'It can come in useful, but it can also be annoying...'
'When is it annoying?' Asked Remus, curious.
'Every boyfriend I've had asked me to change my look to their fantasy girl.' She said, sadly.
'That's horrible...' Said Remus. 'You should never change yourself for anyone Tonks. You're great just the way you are' 
She smiled. 'Thanks Remus. That's really nice of you...'
She looked around. Now she had definitely heard something. She saw someone move in the shadows and pointed her wand at them.
'What is it?' Asked Remus. 'What did you see?'
'There's someone there,' she said. 
Suddenly, a spell came shooting towards them from where Tonks was pointing her wand and it hit Remus. He gave a shout of surprise and flew back into a wall and landed with a thud on the ground. 
'Remus! Are you ok?' Tonks asked, concerned.
'I'm fine...' he gasped and pulled himself up and leant against the wall with his wand pointed forward. Another spell shot towards Tonks but this time she was ready. She blocked it. 
'Come out and show yourself!' Shouted Remus.
'Very well.' Came a voice and a death eater came out of the shadows. Slowly, more death eaters started to surround them. Remus and Tonks stood backed against the wall. They began to fight. It wasn't a fair fight. There were two of them against 10 death eaters. They didn't have time to call for backup. One of the death eaters hit Tonks with the cruciatus curse and she fell to the ground, screaming and writhing in pain. She saw Remus look at her in horror and heard him shout something. The pain stopped. She looked around, her eyes barely open. She saw the death eater who had hit her lying on the ground, unconscious. She tried to get up but she was too weak. Remus shuffled over to her while fighting. 
'Are you alright?' He asked in a scared voice.
'I...I'm fine...' She whispered. She hated that curse. Remus was now fighting all ten death eaters. It was a wonder that he wasn't dead yet. She still couldn't get up to help him. She saw him getting desperate and saw him grit his teeth in concentration. One of the death eaters took off his mask. It was Dolohov. He sneered at them. Remus stood in front of Tonks to stop her from getting hit with a spell. Tonks tried even harder to get up but it was no use. Then it happened. A purple flame burst from Dolohov's wand and hit Remus square in the chest. He froze for a moment. Then he crumpled to the ground and lay still.
'Remus!' Shouted Tonks. Finally, she managed to get up and she managed to defeat all the death eaters because of how angry she was. She kneeled down next to Remus and put her fingers on his neck, to check for a pulse. He had a weak one. His face was fixed into an expression of shock and pain. She picked him up and apparated to Grimmauld place. She pulled open the door and ran to the living room. She laid him on the sofa and sat down next to him. She saw her cousin Sirius come in and saw him look worried at Remus.
'What happened Nymph?' He asked her.
'10 Death eaters...I couldn't help because I was weak from the cruciatus curse...He got hit with Dolohov's famous purple flame curse...' She said, sadly.
'Oh merlin...' Said Sirius, sighing.
'I should have known...I'm not ready for all this...I'm too weak...' Said Tonks.
'It's not your fault.' Said Sirius. 'It's those death eaters' fault. You were outnumbered 10 to 2. It was far from a fair fight. You are a great witch and don't you dare tell yourself otherwise.'
Tonks smiled softly at him. 'Thanks Sirius...' She said. 
Sirius stayed there for a while and then he left. Tonks watched him leave and then looked back at Remus. He was pale and his breathing was hoarse. She wished she could have helped him but Sirius was right. It wasn't her fault...She was still trying to convince herself. She was confused. She tried to figure out what it was she was feeling. Surely she didn't have feelings? She had only met him today! No...Surely not? She felt tired. Her eyes began to close and she leaned her head against the edge of the sofa. She felt herself drift off and she fell asleep.


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