Chapter 12

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I'm standing in front of my locker and arranging my books. "Can I talk to you for a second?" Sam asks me.

"Sure, what's up?" I smile at him.

"I can't talk to you here. Follow me." Sam takes my hand.

I shut my locker and walk following him. "Slow down, my ankles are still on recovery." I said to him until Sam walks into the science room.

"I really want to say something to you." Sam smiles at me and standing in front of me.

"What is it? I'm kinda nervous here." I giggle.

"So you see we've been knowing each other for like six weeks now and you're like the nicest girl I've ever met. And the most beautiful one. So..." Sam smiles at me and kneels down in front of me and shows me a ring.

"Oh my God, are you proposing me to be your wife?" I frown at him.

"No, I mean, someday maybe but now I'm proposing you to be my girlfriend. Look, my shoulders are getting better and it's only matter of time will be heal. Soon, I will be the quarterback again and I want you to be proud to see me as your boyfriend." Sam says to me.

"Sam, you know that I don't care about all those stuff. I like guys from their personalities and honestly what you did to me last week, when I couldn't go to school and bored was really sweet. You cheered me up and made me feel happy and better." I smile at him. "But what's with the ring?"

"It's a promise ring. I want to promise you that I will never ever hurt you and make you proud to have me and show everyone that I'm your boyfriend." Sam smiles at me. "So what do you say?"

"It's a yes." I smile at him.

"Yes!" Sam chuckles and hugs me.

I smile at him and hug him back until he pulls his face closer and kisses me. I kiss him back and smile at him. "How could you know that I love rose ring like this?"

"You told me. You said that you lost yours in the sink." Sam smiles at me and put the ring on my finger.

"Thank you so much, Sam." I smile at him and kiss his cheek.

"Walk you to the class?" Sam smiles at me and shows me his hand.

I take his hand and walk out from the science room and walk down in the hallways holding hands at each other.

I keep smiling and walk passed Finn who is standing in front of his locker. I take a glance at him and he is looking at us and frowning. This is my sweet revenge.

I turn my face when I see Kurt is being pushed against the locker by Karofsky. I push Sam's hand and walk to Kurt immediately and help him.

"Are you okay?" I ask Kurt.

"Yes, I'm okay, thank you though." Kurt nodded.

"Let me get him." Sam simply said and about to walk away.

"Sam, don't. He is a big bully." Kurt shakes his head. "Thank you, guys. I really appreciate it." Kurt half smiled and walks away.

"Actually the glee girls have a talk yesterday about Kurt's situation. I mean, you guys are in football team and you can talk to Karofsky about it to back off of him." I said to Sam.

"Glee girls?" Sam raises his eyebrows.

"Only glee girls with boyfriends. I know we weren't dating that time but I assumed they thought we were." I said to him.

"I will talk to the guys about it." Sam nods.

"Thank you. We all worried about his safety right?" I said to him.

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