Chapter 11

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"One last kick will be delivered by the one and only Paris Schuester. If she can do this and absolutely William McKinley High School is the winner. But can she?"

This is a real game. Beginning of freshman year, I joined the female soccer team in McKinley but since they're lack of practice for freshman, I was more having practice in the soccer school.

I take a deep breath and start make a move and kick that ball. I watch that ball and it's get into goal spots. The goalie couldn't take it and I just made a point.

Everyone who watch this game start cheering loudly. I smile and jump happily. Finally I made it. My teammate start running to me and hugging me. We won!

I chuckle and take my backpack then walk away from the field as the game is over. I walk to the girl's locker room and opens my locker and take off my shoes.

I take my towel and start taking shower. After that I walk back to my locker and get dressed. A short flare skirt and a tank top then a cardigan as the outer. I put my sneakers back on then brush my hair and put little make up on my face.

I walk out from the girl's locker room and walk to my locker. I can transform from a soccer player into a sweet girl within five minutes. That's one of my talent.

"Hey, that game was totally awesome." Sam chuckles and standing next to me.

"Thank you." I smile at him and open my locker.

"I'm still having this." Sam gives me two vouchers of Breadstix.

"Why don't you use it?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Alone? People will think that I'm such a loser." Sam chuckles.

"Well, what if we exchange the vouchers with hotpot dinner?" I grin at him.

"I never have hot pot dinner." Sam chuckles.

"Me neither but we can have it. I will ask my dad for that. I watched on the TV and it looks delicious and we can eat everything we want." I grin at him.

"Or you can have it with Finn." Sam says to me.

"Finn and I broke up. He chose to believed what Rachel said so I told him if he still couldn't trust me then I can't take him back." I said to him.

"Alright, just make sure with that. I don't want to go out with someone who's taken but if you're okay with it then I will be okay." Sam nods.

"It's all fine, Sam." I smile at him.

"Good." Sam smiles back at me. "Tell me when we can use those vouchers." Sam smiles and walks away.

I smile and turn my face at my locker and take my book out from my locker and put it into my bag. I turn my face and see Finn is walking down in the hallways with Rachel as Rachel is holding his hand.

"Gross." Santana walks passed them and laughs at them.

I chuckle and shut my locker then walk away. I know what Finn is doing. He is trying to make me jealous but I'm not. I know he never into Rachel, he just uses her. That's all.

I turn my way and walk into the choir room as dad is standing in front of the piano and arranging some music sheets.

"Dad, I want exchange for this vouchers." I said to him and give him the Breadstix vouchers.

"Like you want to reimburse the vouchers? I don't think you can do that." Dad shakes his head.

"No, I want to change this vouchers into hot pot vouchers. Tina told me that that place is really incredible. We can get food as much as we want. All meat and veggies." I said to him.

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