Chapter 34

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I walked into the choir room and let out a sigh as the others are complaining about The Warblers stole our idea to do Michael Jackson for Regionals.

"There has to be some kind of show choir committee we can complain to." Tina said to us.

"I know it sucks, guys, but it's not the end of the world. Heck, you had your setlist stolen the day of competition at Sectionals and you pulled that one off right?" Blaine said to us.

"Well, they can have our Journey and our Dreamgirls, but pilfering my Michael, mm-mm, that's another level, not okay." Artie shook his head.

"I'm not exactly comfortable having this conversation with Blaine in the room. Clearly once a Warbler always a Warbler." Puck simply said.

"Uh w-what?" Blaine frowned.

"Dude, you told them what we were gonna do. You're like a modern-day Eggs Benedict. He's on notice as far as I'm concerned." Puck said to us.

"We should all be notice. I mean, next to Vocal Adrenaline, the Warblers are the best glee club in the state, and for a lot of us, this is our last shot at a championship, so we should stop complaining about The Warblers and figure out how to beat them." Finn said to us.

"I couldn't have said it better myself, Finn." Dad walked in. "I'm less worried about our set list right now and more interested in getting us in the right mindset to crush those guys. Which is why our lesson for the week is.. What Would Michael Jackson Do?" Dad said to us.

"He'd fight back. He'd say Regionals is ours. MJ is ours, and if they want it, they can pry it from o-sequin-gloved hand." Finn said to us.

"Mmm-hmm straight up! In 1983, MTV said they wouldn't air his "Billie Jean" video. What'd he do? He fought back. They aired it, and the Thriller album sold an additional ten million copies." Artie said to us.

"That's right." Dad nodded as agree.

"I know what Michael would do. I think he would take it to the streets." Blaine said to us.

The bells rang. I walked out from the choir room and walked down in the hallways. I walked to my locker and took out my book from my locker and leaned my back against the locker while reading my book.

"You okay? Here's your notebook." Sam stood in front of me and took the notebook out of his bag.

"Thank you." I nodded and put the book inside my locker. "Yes, I'm okay. I'm just been stressing out lately." I sighed.

"Want to talk about it?" Sam asked me.

"I'd rather not." I shook my head and shut my locker.

"Who knows maybe I can help you out." Sam said to me as we walked down in the hallways together.

"No, I'm just tired." I said to him.

I'm not tired. I lied. Yesterday, when I was about to get music stands from the auditorium and the desk lamp, I saw Finn and Rachel in the auditorium.

Rachel was sat down on the stool and Finn kneeled down in front of her and showed her a ring. They didn't see me. I heard that word but I don't know what Rachel said. But they didn't see me because I walked away after I heard that word.

My heart broken into pieces. It was my fault though who broke up with him and now he moved on and I'm still in love with him. My position right now is like Rachel when Ross was going to marry Emily. Well, I just hope that Finn would say the wrong name at the altar when he got married with Rachel. Yeah I hope he would say my name instead.

I know that imagination was evil but I can't help it and I can't do anything about it. I love Finn still. I was the one who broke up with him and now he is with someone else and I have no rights to be mad if he wants to propose another girl or someone else.

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