Chapter 36

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I let out a sigh and sat down on the back row of the choir room. Rachel and Kurt just informed us that Sebastian threatened them with a photoshop picture of Finn. He is naked in that picture and wore red pumps.

"That's it! I'm done! I'm leaving this classroom and I'm going to beat that Sebastian kid's ass!" Finn yelled and got up from his seat.

"Finn, chill!" Dad stopped Finn.

"No, I'm not going to chill. I.. I'm done chilling." Finn shook his head.

"The official show choir rule book states that "any real of perceived threat of violence, vandalism, humiliation will be met with a swift and unquestioned disqualification of the threatening party's teams with extreme prejudice. It's right here. Page 72, by-laws 15 section six article 44." Artie said to us.

"Guys, I contacted the headmaster of Dalton." Dad said to us.

"Like you did when Sebastian almost blinded me? What did they do then? Same thing as they're going to do now.. nothing!" Blaine protest.

"Hold on, I got the proof. Santana got him admitted that on tape. We could send that to police and give him a door to juvie but your boyfriend was the one who told us to sing to them. After you guys said that you're tired of singing for payback." I rolled my eyes.

"She has a point." Quinn nodded.

"Look, none of this matters now anyways, okay? We're not going to let him beat us like this. I'm going to perform at Regionals." Rachel said to us.

"Even if he's going to post a photo like this of me if you do?" Finn frowned at her.

"Finn, I'm not going to negotiate with terrorists." Rachel said to Finn.

"If someone posted a picture like that of me online, I'd probably kill myself." Sugar simply said.

"Twice to be sure I was dead." Rory added.

"Look, you guys are just going to have to deal with things like this. The more successful you get, the more garbage people are going to make up about you. They're going to love to tear you down." Dad said to us.

"I can't believe you would do that to me." Finn frowned at Rachel.

"I'm going to be married to you. Don't you think I'm going to suffer the consequences as well? I mean, I just.. I don't care stuff like that. I love you and we'll manage this together. Okay, the important thing right now is that we win." Rachel said to Finn.

"So you wouldn't care if I photoshopped a photo of you like this and put it on the internet?" Finn asked Rachel.

"Look, our future depends on us winning Regionals. It'll help me towards my NYADA application." Rachel said to Finn.

"Hmm. Hope you get in." Finn simply said and walked out from the choir room.

"Finn..." Dad sighed.

I'm just being quiet. I have to do something to stop this. I don't care about Rachel at all. All I care is Finn. I don't want him do something stupid or ruin his future because of this. I know how upset he was.


I walked into the Dalton Academy's building. I looked around and turned my way to the library where they are usually there. Yes Blaine told me their hangout and rehearsal place.

I walked in and looked around then walked straight to Sebastian. "What do you want?" I glared at him.

"What do you mean?" He chuckled.

"Take down those pictures now." I glared at him.

"But it won't be fun. That's the game. She is still have less than 24 hours to think." Sebastian smirked at me. "Why do you care anyway? It's not like Finn is your boyfriend." He chuckled.

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