Chapter 3

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I take out the trash to the backyard and throw it to outside. I turn my face to the house next door and see Finn is sitting down on the swing chair in his backyard.

"You're still not going for the sectionals tomorrow?" I ask him.

"I can't see them and I don't want to see them." Finn shakes his head.

I let out a sigh and walk to him then sit down next to him. "If I knew that the baby wasn't yours, I would've told you sooner but I didn't." I said to him.

"Things sucks right?" Finn sighs.

"Yeah I mean, you can't always get what you want." I shrug.

Finn turns his face at me and chuckles then pushes my face back. "Never imagine you could say something like that."

"People change. There's a lot of things that has changed." I said to him and put a pillow on my lap.

"For what exactly?" Finn raises his eyebrows.

"A lot of things." I said to him.

"I can't believe you're younger than me but actually have a lot nicer things to say." Finn says to me.

"Come to sectionals tomorrow please."

"I can't see them." Finn shakes his head.

"Do you want to feel better? Grab your car keys." I said to him and get up.

"Where are we going?" Finn raises his eyebrows.

"Just follow me." I grin at him. "Come on." I take his hand.

"Okay fine." Finn sighs and takes his car keys.

I walk to the front door of his house and standing next to his car as Finn unlocks his car and we get in. "Don't worry I won't murder you." I chuckle.

"So where are we going?" Finn asks me.

"Just go straight and turn left." I said to him.

"That's the way to the forest." Finn says to me.

"Yup. Park your car over there." I said to him and point to a tree.

"Okay.." Finn nods and parks the car.

I walk out from the car and walk lead him. "If I murder you here none will find you." I chuckle and turn my face at him.

"Seems a good place." Finn simply said and nod along.

I smile at him and sit down on a huge stone. "Sit." I said to him and pat on the place next to me. "I usually came here to read when my parents start yelling at each other."

"How could you find this place?" Finn frowns at me.

"Well, I was having morning run and found this place." I said to him. "The sound of the bird and the wind is relaxing."

"Yeah it could distract me from what happening lately." Finn nods.

"It's going to be okay." I look at him and rub his back.

"I didn't realize that your problem is bigger than mine. Your family is falling apart but you still want to cheer me up. Why?"

"Because aren't we friends?" I smile at him and show him my pinkie.

"Yes we are." Finn smiles back at me and crossing his pinkie with mine.

"Don't let anything tear you down, Finn Hudson. People wants to be your friend or like you not because you're Quinn's boyfriend. You made into a quarterback because of yourself." I said to him.

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