Chapter 10

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Heyy guys another upload! UMM lets see no air my other book will have another upload by the latest Sunday so watch out for that and possibly better together will be uploaded. Can't wait!

Ally's pov

I wake up to Niall's arm around my waist, the boys snoring, and a popcorn-covered floor. That is when i remembered the events of the previous night. We watched two movies, had three popcorn fights and went to McDonalds for dinner because at the time Nando's was closed for the night much to Niall's disliking. Snapping back into present time, the only sounds evident were light snoring (aside from Zayn because his snore is beyond light), and a soft rustling sound coming from inside the kitchen. I decide to get up, carefully removing Niall's arm from around my waist and padding over towards the kitchen. I open the kitchen door to see Samantha pulling out pretty much everything the boys still had left in their fridge. The ingredients included milk, eggs, flour, butter, mable syrup, and probably every pot and pan one direction owns. I gawk at her when i realize she is making us breakfast. As soon as Samantha had put all of the pancake batter into the pan, i heard rustling in the living room. The boys must be up, I look up at the clock on the stove, its 7:30 A.M! Why am i even up? I walk up towards Samantha and she nods a hello to me as Niall, Louis, Harry, Liam, and Zayn burst into the kitchen as if something really bad happened. Well no, Samantha is cooking so that's good because it means we won't be eating burnt food today. Yay! Harry and Louis help Samantha by getting out the plates and the cups which they filled with apple juice and/or orange juice. If Samantha would have just let everybody get their own all the food would have been gone in a matter of seconds. I know that Louis likes Samantha, but now i also have a feeling that Harry likes her too, im not completely sure though. A few minutes later all of us are sitting at the kitchen table happily eating our breakfasts or for some of us just vaccuuming our breakfast without even tasting it(niall). All of a sudden the door bell chirps.

"Would you be a dear?" Zayn asks us and we both nod.

I stand behind Samantha as she opens the front door. I could have sworn Louis and Harry were watching her walk away.Ooh.... I stand on my tip toes to try to see over Samantha's shoulder. Standing in one direction's apartment doorway is Paul Higgins and Josh devine. Holy shiza pants. 

Samantha's pov

Standing before me is One Direction's body guard and drummer! I let them in and they hurry into the kitchen after exchanging a few hello's with all of us. What's up with them?

" Sorry love i may have texted them you made breakfast" Louis smiles innocently.

Why was Haz glaring at Louis?...Is there something that i am missing because whenever one of them talks to me the other glares at them its almost as there is jealousy, but neither of them would like me anyway especially Louis the one i wished that he would like me. I mentally sigh and shrug the thought off. A few minutes later Paul and Josh walk into the living room finishing up the last of the food on their plates, when they both look at the clock their eyes grow wide.

"C'mon boys get dressed we have two hours until the interview today and it will take an hour and fifteen minutes to get there and with how long it takes Zayn to do his hair we will be late if we don't get moving. Get moving!" Paul tells the boys.

Zayn frowns, but regardlessly runs up the stairs behind the rest of the boys.Paul smiles, a half an hour later everyone is down the stairs and ready to go. I was wearing lime green TOMS, black skinny jeans (which are hard to find for my small figure), a lime green lululemon head band with a matching lime green Aeropostale shirt matched up with a purple Jack Wills hoodie i actually took from Louis the night before because i was cold. Ally was wearing brown boots her mom gave her, a pink hollister sweater and grey jeans. The boys were wearing there signature outfits. Louis was wearing tan chinos, a white and blue striped shirt with sky blue TOMS. Hey we match in foot wear. Zayn was wearing tan chinos, a blue varsity jumper with a plain white t-shirt underneath it and red and grey sneakers from Nike. Harry was wearing blue jeans with a sky blue blazer and grey t-shirt underneath, his shoes were white converse's. Niall was wearing a maroon coulered polo with a cream coloured cardigan on top, he was also wearing tan chinos and matching maroon Supras to go with the polo shirt he had on. Liam was wearing a blue plaid shirt with faded brown chinos and orange Supras. I have to admit they look pretty good. I sprinted into the kitchen to grab my phone off the island and then i ran to catch up with the boys in the lift. What Makes You Beautiful was playing in the lift...weird, its not exactly lift music. Louis was dancing like a little weirdo, but when is he not? When we exit the lobby we all hear loud screaming...loud teenage girls screaming. Fortunately for us Paul parked the Van in such a way nobody could get to the boys, so we all made a mad dash towards the van and into our only means of transportation and security. Paul was driving, Harry was passenger, middle row held me,Louis, Niall and Ally. Liam, Zayn and Josh Devine sat in the back row. Paul turned the radio on and oddly enough I Wish was playing on B.101 (local radio station). Wow One Direction sure is popular today. We all sang along, even Paul.

Na na na na na na

Na na na na na na

He takes your hand i die a little

I watch your eyes

And I'm in riddles

Why can't you look at me like that

When you walk by 

I try to say it

But then i freeze

And never do it

My tongue gets tied

The words get trapped

I hear the beat of my heart get louder

Whenever I'm near you

But i see you with him

Slow dancing

Tearing me apart

'Cos you don't see

Whenever you kiss him

I'm breaking

Ohh,how i wish that it was me

He looks at you

The way that i would

Does all the things

I know that i could

If only time could just turn back

'Cos i got three little words that I've always been dying to tell you

But i see you with him

Slow dancing

Tearing me apart

'Cos you don't see

Whenever you kiss him

 I'm breaking

Ohh, how i wish that it was me

With my hands on your waist

While we dance in the moonlight

I wish it was me that you'll call later on

'Cos you wanna say goodnight

'Cos i see you

With him, slow dancing

Tearing me apart cos you don't see

But i see you with him

Slow dancing

Tearing me apart

'Cos you don't see

Whenever you kiss him

I'm breaking

Ohh, how i wish

Oh how i wish

Oh how i wish

That was me, me, me

Oh how i wish that was me 

When the song was over i couldn't help but notice Louis and Harry looking agitated even though they were no longer having a stare down. I wonder what is bothering them.

Heyy guys sorry if it was short, but im already working on the next chapter for this and im writing three books at the same so yea check out my other stories and commenting will get you better uploads so thank you to all my readers all of you mean so much to me. Peace readers. : ) 

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