Chapter 30

28 3 1

Almost a year later

Samantha's point of view

I don't know why, but today seems like a special day. Louis asked me this morning to go out for dinner, just the two of us, but it's only three thirty. I think something's up. The two of us got our own apartment right next to Ally and Nialls flat. On the other side of us is Liam and his girlfriend, Danielle.

Across from Louis and I, is Harry and Cher and across from Dani and Liam is Zayn and Perrie!

I hop out of the shower and go to our room wrapped up in a towel. I grab a lace push up, strap less bra and matching panties.

Going back to the bathroom I close the door and change into those and dry my hair. I slip on my teal coloured dress and heels. I straighten my newly pink dip dyed hair and put it in a katniss braid (if you don't know, look that up or watch the hunger games :) )

I put on foundation, eyeliner, mascara and a little bit of smoky eyeliner. I step out of the bathroom and go into the living room where Louis is waiting for me.

"Shall we go love?" He asks.

"Yes, let's go" I grab my purse and phone to leave, holding hands with Louis.

We pass all of the boys and girls rooms and I mention how quiet they are tonight.

" they're at" he responded. He doesn't sound too sure..

What is this boy up to?

We get downstairs by the lift and climb into a black limo. Sweeeeet, we usually go around in Louis Mini Cooper or Harry's Audi, rarely do we use the limo.

20 Minutes Later

Wait we are at the beach? That's romantic.

I don't think we have been on a date to the beach before.Cool.

Louis and I sit at this gazebo that's turned to a section of the beach, so you can only see about half the beach. We talk for a bit and then a waiter comes up and asks for our order. He brings us champagne, maybe Louis pre- ordered that or something.

"I'll have the steak medium rare with a side of fries please." I say.

"I will have the same, thank you"Lou says.

The waiter walks off with our order and goes to this little shack where they make the food. This date is really different it's like half picnic, half restaurant, but it's really romantic and creative...

"Want some champagne dear?" Louis asks.


He pours us both a glass and we talk about everything, other than the band which is actually really nice to just sit down and have a proper conversation just about us.

10 Minutes Later

Our food arrives and we dig in!

This food is so good! Oh my god! I really love steak and this is probably the best one I've had EVER. It has peppercorns and chili spice with a nice steak sauce.

"Who's makes a better steak? You or this?" Lou teases.

"Definitely this place" I laugh.

We have some small chatter until we are done eating and we leave the gazebo with our wine glasses.

"Close your eyes babe" Louis whispers near my ear.

"Why?" I ask.

He covers my eyes with his warm hands and we begin to walk down the beach together bare foot, because trying to walk in heels is a nightmare. He uncovers my eyes and I read what is spelled out in rocks.

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