Chapter 7

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Thanks guise so much for all these reads and nice comments so far i really appreciate it and love when people understand i have things to do other than wattpad sorry to be harsh but i actually do. Wattpad is really only something i do when i have free time and i hardly ever do between hanging out with my bf, bellydancing,karate, and school work. OK! I will now stop rambling cuz this is probably very annoying fo all ma readahs.Dedicated to thegirlwhowasonfire. She never comments on my message board but i fell in love wit her books.Alrighty peace directioners.

Ally's pov

WOW. Samantha and Louis totally are clicking like i have to set them up. Like NOW! I talked to Niall and he says that he thinks Louis likes her and i told him that i think Samantha likes him back. It didn't take that quick hang up on the phone for me to realize there is something going on,no i can tell when she likes someone by the look on her face. Now that i discovered Niall is good at detecting emotions from people, i am worried that he might know about  my feelings toward him.... if he did i would break from embarassment. And the thing is,im not even 100% sure that i like him yet,i mean i only just met the lad. I need to sort out these feelings first before i go around making mistakes.Just then my ringtone goes off.I have a customized ringtone added into Samantha's contact.

AHHH...The feeling of rust against my salad fingers is almost-

I quickly pull out my phone and flip down the notification on my screen to make the ringtone stop.That ringtone is funny,but i don't want the boys hearing it. Niall gives me a weird look and i just smile back politely and turn the volume off on my iphone,i quickly read the text from Sam.


Samantha- Can we talk later?

Me-Sure when?

Samantha-Tonight when we are alone


I say goodbye and put my phone away. The boys quickly show us our rooms and turns out, us girls get a room together. I feel an awkward bit of dissapointment when i found out i wouldn't be with Niall, but Samantha is my bestie.

"What should we do now?" Louis asks impatient.

"EAT!" Niall screamed. Typical Niall?

"No,how about a game of scrabble?" Liam offers.We all agree surprisingly.

Liam ran off and came back with the game board as we set up at the table. Louis with a bag of carrots,Niall with leftover NANDOS that he offered to me but i politely declined.Everyone but Samantha and i gasp and because we are super fans we know how much Niall loves his food,especially his Nandos. Zayn walked away saying he was going to have an early night.That boy and his sleeping.My god.

Zayn's pov

I told everyone i was going to bed figuring it was quite believable.I grabbed my jumper from my closet and headed for the street quietly making sure no one had heard me or followed me. Hopefully no one has noticed that i have left. I decided now that i should call Harry. 1 ring...the line went dead. So he is ignoring me! Maybe i should text him instead.


Me-Hey Haz where r u? I saw u leave and u looked like u need to talk. If you want to,im at the prk and no one is wit me m8.

He didn't respond for a few minutes and then finally something came through.

Harry-Ok m8. I have gone for a little walk but i will b home 'round midnite and i will crawl thru ur window quietly.Don't tell the lads about this plz. Bye Zayn.

I put my phone away,inside my blue jumper.I have to admit that i am worried about Harry and now,apparently the lads are worried about me.Liam,Louis and Niall keep texting me. I have 5 missed calls. 1 from Niall,1 from Louis and 3 from Li. I texted them all back saying i just needed some air and i couldn't sleep. I couldn't rat out on Haz, he's upset and needs someone right now.I decide to walk home eventually because it has gotten cold outside and i am already shivering. When i get home i say goodnight to the lads because it is already eleven thirty and Harry could come early.

Louis pov

Its just a girl,why is Haz so worked up? Why is he jealous.........i just met her.Wa wait.......Speaking of him, where has he been?I walk out of my room and look at the time on my mobile. Its almost midnight and we all just went to bed, as soon as we all got texts back from Zayn. There is a chance one of the lads can't sleep,like me.I'm just worried for him. I walk across the living room and see Liam standing on the porch looking very stressed out.What's up with him? Just then i hear a loud thump inside Zayn's room just down the hall. I listen closely and i hear....crying? Again, what is going on around here?I'll deal with Zayn in the morning,but first,to Liam.I push the door to the porch open and cringe when the door squeaks loudly. Liam whips around to face me.I say to him what i think is going on with Hazza and he seems to understand what i am feeling. I find by 1am Li and i are hunting the streets in search for Harry,any clues.Curly hair, JW jumper,anything. But to no avail. Liam sighs and i reach over and pat his back reasurringly. He needs to calm down. Sometimes Daddy Direction needs to chill out but i understand it actually. He just broke up with his girlfriend dani. She was so nice but she couldn't handle the hate anymore so they broke up. Liam has been sad ever since. He needs some cheering up. I suggested texting him so thats just what we did.


Harry's pov

It was starting to get cold outside so i walked back to the flat and tapped on Zayn's window quietly.I listen to hear if anyone is still awake,but i was doubtful that they were,i think everyone has gone to bed.I hesitate before climbing through Zayns window and then  i realize that there is nowhere to land! I end up jumping through it as quickly and quietly as i could manage.

"Fail" Someones deep voice says.Zayn.

I made too big a sound and i would be surprised if no one had heard me jump,it was that loud,and his room in particular is hard wood flooring.PERFECT. I mentally roll my eyes. I notice by 12:30 I am crying my eyes out and not to mention my heart,to Zayn.In the past few hours i had noticed,i had fallen hard for Samantha and i am extremely jealous of Louis. I came to Zayn for a reason,he would never judge me.He is the one that understands me the most in this band,except from Louis,but obviously he likes Samantha too. He would really be no help to me in this situation.

"I really like this girl,Zayn and i don't know what to do about it now" I say.

"Just tell her how you feel" Zayn replies.

"Thanks mate goodnight." I say and smile for real even though he can't see me. 

"No problem mate,get some rest." He says back.

I left Zayn's room in pure confidence.Tommorrow i would do my absolute best to impress her without making it too obvious that i like her in case she does not feel the same way about me.Louis should have realized that i also like her before just going around and trying to impress her. I let it go for now and try to find a comfortable spot on the sofa to sleep.But to no avail. All i hear is the sound of people screaming my name.And they are not the fans...

What the heck is that i thought.Then it continued.I heard Louis,then Liam,Niall,then Samantha and Ally. What is going on? Ohhh..they probably think i am missing or something. I glance at my phone and respond to Louis text and go to sleep.

Louis pov

"Harry!"I yell,and once again,no awnser.I decided to text him instead.


Me- Where r u Hazza plz?

Harreh ma love- im on da couch i just needed some air and plz b quiet boo im trying to sleep here

"Leeeyum! Haz is okay,he is inside!"I say excitedly.

"Thank goodness" I hear Liam mumble.

We all rush into the house to see Harry fast asleep on the couch in the living room of our flat.We all sigh in relief.Thank the heavens we found him, i was worried sick! We all leave to once again,go to sleep and now we can finally do that in peace.I wonder why he left. Haz never leaves for 'air' unless he is stressed out about something.Oh well. I guess i can figure things out in the morning. After saying goodnight to the lads,yet again,i crawl back into my warm bed with only one thought in my brain.


Heyy guys the end of this chappie:( sorry if it was really short and wasn't that good i had a bit of writer's block a few days ago but i pulled through it long enough to upload this chapter and any more that might come today you never know ; ). Anyways i won't ramble on plz read and peace to all the turtles and directioners that are reading this.

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