Jealous (Prompt Challenge #5)

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hm. so this is a HUGE thank you for guys are so amazing, I never expected to get a few hundred reads, let alone twenty-fricking-thousand. That's so amazing, thank you! Also, just...this was the news i needed right now, as you're probably aware of things are pretty crazy in America right now, so thank you guys for the distraction ❤️

Your reward is a (probably overly) long oneshot overflowing with Pepperony tension and gahhhhhh i love it

anyways, does anyone remember the little prompt list thing I "started" A few months back? Yeah well I forgot about it until recently and just kinda started writing it, because for some reason I can't ever commit to writing something I tell myself I'm going to write and end up writing random shiz anyway, so yeah, this was born.

I just like to imagine that this happened, aight? If anyone asks, it's canon.

Takes place in the middle of iron man 1, I guess it's slightly AU because the time might not add up but whatever

Pg-13 rating btw, just for some minor suggestive description and some bad language words. Steve wouldn't approve 😂😳

Ps apologies for the long authors note lmao you can read now

also...sorry for this :)


Pepper doesn't get jealous.

It's not in her nature. Jealousy is childish and inappropriate no matter the circumstance; there's no room for it in the workplace, either; a place where your emotions could and should never come into play. When you were in a working environment, you mastered a consistent poker face and learned quickly to swallow your emotions to get what you needed to get done. It made things easier, much more efficient.

So, Pepper is disgusted with herself when she abruptly realizes that the reason she's been so cranky and irritable tonight was indirectly due to her boss' dramatic charisma and outlandishly flirtatious behavior.

This is normal for him, Pepper, get ahold of yourself! Is what's blaring in her head as she quietly observes Tony Stark getting up close and personal with a brunette woman across the dance floor – a woman who's absolutely gorgeous, and someone who Pepper might actually admire if it weren't for the skanky red dress she was wearing – the scrap of fabric barely covered her for God's sake; it only just reached the top of her knees and wasn't shy with cleavage, hugging her figure in all the...right...places. It didn't help that she looked comparable to a doll with how much makeup was caked onto her porcelain face. Everything about her was plastic and fake. It was disgusting, truthfully.

She shook her head violently back and forth, forcing her eyes away from the two. Pepper! My god! That woman did nothing to you!

Except it was just exactly the opposite – without even realizing it, this stranger was viciously yanking at her heart strings, causing her head to swim in circles as she attempted to steer her thoughts clear of imagining Tony getting it on with the brunette instead of Pep-

Okay, WOAH. Calm down, what are you, a teenager?!

Pepper was becoming rather concerned with how hypercritical the thoughts in her head were...she was never like this; the PA wasn't a judgmental person by any stretch of the imagination, and almost always kept her thoughts to herself. Bottling things up was just...simpler. Unhealthy, maybe, but it made the most sense. However, this...this new side of the assistant that was bitter and possessive of a man that wasn't even hers – she didn't like it one bit.

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