Me and You - a Stark Family Poem

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*Endgame spoilers*

This is my life now, and you are my remedy.

And now that you've moved on, you're also my latest reverie.

But I fear not, because you've been planted in my heart;

Although you've claimed to leave us, you've been here from the start.

My life still revolves around you, and I sing your name with each passing day,

Because even if you promised, I know that you could never stay.

But that's just fine, because I know you're still here with us,

Watching as you ride upon the noble seats of Heaven's great bus.

She doesn't understand yet, that you've gone away,

And she is always asking, "Mommy, why couldn't Daddy stay?"

I shake my head and tell her,

"I know you miss him too,"

"But Daddy's said goodbye now, until we follow him through."

This is when she frowns, and says it's too early to say goodbye,

But this is where I respond,

"He's never truly left, and he'll always be nearby."

"He watches over you, and over me and everyone else too,"

"Because he wants what's best for everyone, including both me and you."

She pouts and crosses her arms, as her eyes begin to tear,

"I don't want Daddy gone, I want him to be right here!"

I sigh and rub her shoulders, trying my best to calm her down,

But the truth is that it's difficult, when you are never around.

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