Honeymoon (Pepperony)

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So I guess I have to toss a slight rating warning out there...this Oneshot does push the envelope a tad, and is rated pg-13. It has a suggestive ending, but nothing graphic or anything like that. I don't write that kinda stuff, so if that's what you're looking for, sorry lol :) 

That being said, this chapter is all kinds of emotional, and I had such an amazing time writing this and I secretly pray that this is what actually happened in the five year gap. Also, no specific POV, it kind of switches back and forth a lot sorry hehe

Well, pepperony fanatics,


The newlyweds have escaped.

They took the first flight out of New York just hours after their small, warm reception, retreating to a cabin somewhere in the forests of Virginia.

Pepper knows he's mentally exhausted by the evening of the first night when he allows himself to wander – not to anywhere in particular – he just aimlessly paces throughout their obnoxiously large thirty-one-hundred square foot cabin (that Tony insisted on renting), looking desperately for something to do. It's a habit he's never broken, something that Pepper was quickly forced to adjust to when she committed to a relationship with Tony Stark. He's anxious and fidgety because he doesn't have his lab to work in, doesn't have his trinkets and toys to play around with into the ungodly hours of the night, and he doesn't even have FRIDAY, the feminine AI that he imagines to look just like Pepper.

It was even worse after Thanos. He returned to Earth an outwardly similar man, yet on the inside he was very, very different – he was up and about earlier than what was considered normal for the otherwise nocturnally cognitive man. On the rare occasion that Tony came to bed with Pepper, she'd feel a shift in weight on the bed somewhere around 3:30 every morning, before Stark would vanish behind the door and meander for hours on end, insisting on fixing things that arguably didn't need it.

Two months ago, Pepper awoke to their blinding bathroom light. She had sat up, rubbing her eyes to be sure that she wasn't seeing things – that her significant other – who had only recently recovered from severe malnutrition and life-threatening dehydration – was scrubbing the tile floors of the master bath.

"Stained," he had said, his deep voice laced with evident exhaustion. Even though she couldn't see his face from where she sat on the bed, she knew his eyes were heavy and his lips formed a frown. He was on his hands and knees with his back turned to Pepper, scrubbing the flooring with a surprisingly fervid intensity that told Pepper that his mind was racing.. It was an unusual sight, to say the least, as it wasn't often that Tony found himself competing house chores. "It's stained. They're not clean," he insisted.

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