3k Special (No spoilers!)

665 40 66

Three thousand? That's crazy! (If you understand this reference, congrats you're now my best friend)

Anyway, I've had a few of you asking for one, a spoiler-free oneshot, and two, a less depressing update...so I thought, since we recently hit 3k reads, why not mash both together?

That's right, this an Infinity War AND Endgame spoiler-free oneshot, and it's nothing but feel-good Pepperony fluff. You guys are amazing, you deserve a teensie tiny break from all the heartache. Not to worry, it'll return soon ;)

Sidenote, takes place just before Civil War :D



Pepper Potts had recently left Stark Industries HQ, having had enough for for the day. Turning in early was not something the workaholic did very often, but every once in a while, it was a nice treat. 

Besides, Pepper felt like she owed herself a break - after all, today was her birthday, so she'd settled on treating herself to a few extra hours off. Although, come to think of it, Pep's significant other was yet to even recognize the occasion, which hurt the woman more than she thought it would. While forgetting her birthday had been a common occurrence in the past for Tony, Pepper had thought he'd at least remember this time around, since the two were also celebrating their six year anniversary today. 

So, yes, she was hurt, but tried her best in shrugging off the emotion; she knew that Stark had a lot on his plate as it was, dealing with the Avengers and managing the founding of his new charity foundation. 

Pepper instantly kicked off her slick black heels the moment she stepped through the grand doors of the Avengers' tower, savoring the sweet wave of relief that flowed through her feet when the painful shoes were finally removed, her tense toes relaxing after a day of hard work. 

The blonde took the elevator up to the main lounge, making her way to the couches in hope of catching the news before she turned in early. Sure, it was only seven, but Pepper was beyond exhausted; work had been awful today, most of the company's clients bickering on and on about issues that didn't even exist, which drove Potts wild. 

Her hair a knotted mess, and shoulders slumped forwards in pure exhaust, she rounded the corner to the lounge, only to find that the lights were all the way dimmed, with several candles lit on the mantle and tables; combined with the setting sun that offered its fading light through the windows, the entire room seemed calm, and relaxing. In addition, the slow sound of a deep saxophone flowed lowly through the room, ringing in Pepper's ears as she stepped further into the main lounge, hand over her mouth as she broadly smiled. 

A small gasp escaped her as her bare feet were met with the feeling of soft, silky rose petals. With a second glance, Potts noticed that the petals were scattered all throughout the room, covering the carpet and draping over the cushions of some of the couches. 

Confused - but in the best way - Pepper stood still, finding herself gawking at the beautiful display in front of her. No way, did he really-

Her thoughts were instantly interrupted by the feeling of strong, yet gentle, arms wrapping securely around her waist, the person's hands clasping together around her front as a warm, steady breath tickled the back of her neck. 

Pepper smiled as she leaned into the familiar embrace, feeling happy and content. He had remembered. 

"You remembered," she marveled softly, voice barely above a whisper. 

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