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"The course of true love never did run smooth." – William Shakespeare

True love is rare. It is a shiny diamond in a world full of pebbles. True love is meant to be cherished. It's meant to be savored and to be devoured.

True love will come to you when it is meant to. It's going to come to you and knock on your door when you least expect it to. True love will show up at the moment when you are ready. It will happen when you have confidence in yourself. It will happen when you can love yourself without someone by you. It will happen when you don't see it coming.

Don't be scared of finding something real. Don't be scared of having feelings. Don't be scared of true love. It's real. And it's going to happen. You just have to hold out. To wait. To hope. And to believe. To believe in it. And to believe that you, deserve it.

-Lauren Jarvis-Gibson



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