Trip and Virus

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"Princess, princess, wake up Virus and Trip will get angry if you don't." Marie her maid said behind the closed door of her princesses bedroom.

"I've been awake for a while waiting for you Marie." Daisy replied back
Marie decides to open the door and finds her princess in her black and red Komodo sitting in the window stile.

"Trip and Virus want you to join them for dinner" Marie replied with a genuine smile that she only gave to Daisy the rest that she gave to others were always fake.

"What would Virus and Trip like for me to wear?" Daisy said without looking away from the night sky while sitting on the window still.

Marie pulls out a long black dress that would surly drag if Daisy were to wear it to dinner. But of course she didn't have a choice for Trip and Virus wanted her to, her choice didn't them. Although they wouldn't beat her for not wearing the dress no they would do something much worse. Virus believes that although violence is easier to get someone to do what he wants them to do its too much work. And Trip is just does what ever he feels like doing. Once both Trip and Virus decided to lock Daisy up in a small box where she could not stand up only sit with her knees to her chin, cramped.
"I'll leave now so you can change princess" Marie said
After princess finished changing Marie escorted she to the dinning area where Virus and Trip were patiently waiting for their so called 'lover'.

"Daisy-chan how are you, it was rude of you to keep us waiting" Trip and Virus said in union while they both snaked their arms around Daisy's waist.

"Is this her! She's just a pathetic child! And she's supposed to be my competition for both of you hearts!? She's also a cripple!" A beautiful women with pink hair, a nice body, lots of curves, and looks perfect in every way said.

"The reality is irrelevant. [princess looks into the women's eyes and sees That she is also looking strait into her eyes.] I'll prove it. People who know me see me as an ass, treat me as an ass. People who don't know me see a cripple, treat me as a cripple. What kind of selfish jerk wouldn't take advantage of that fact?" Princess replied back with a cold glare and tone the women who's name is know to be Camilla looked shocked even a little scared of princess.

"Daisy, w-what are y-you doing here" Camilla replied back

"You seem shocked and... scared."

"Of course you slattered my entire family when you were 5 and they were all purebloods if you can do that you can easily get rid of me and the fact your sorta creepy."


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