The "truth" part 2

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A/n: song dedication to Daisy and Kaname

"I'm sorry about the past Daisy but you have to move on"

"I'll move on then"


"After I finish all the Kurans.

After I get MY justice.

After you all pay for what you did to me."

"And what did we do! Huh Daisy what could we have possibly done to make you hate us so much!" Kaname yelled

"Mother and father beat me endlessly, senselessly, and you just let them"

"I didn't know how could I have helped you if I didn't even know"

"You knew, big brother I know your just trying to convince your self. What is it? Does it hurt? what if it was Yui or Yuki? Hmm? I'm certain you would have swooped in to help them even if it mean getting me killed in the process."

"I don't know what your talking about!" He yelled ferociously slamming his hands on his desk back towards Daisy. There was a 'tsk' before he heard "oni-chan" his face resembled shock. Kaname turned around only to see a little girl with bandages all over her beautiful white body, ankle black hair a mess, and teary blue eyes.

"One-chan....hic... W-why didn't One-chan help Daisy" the small girl talking about herself in third person said. "It hurt when mommy and daddy hit hurt so much!" Small Daisy said Kanames face went from shock to pure disgust.

"Because you never mattered, because if you weren't born I would have both yuki and Yui to myself! And you were right I did know that mother and father were beating you and I don't give a damn! Your so pathetic! I'm shocked someone-NO!-something like you is even a Kuran! That day the fire started in the mansion I was right next to your room I could have saved you but I thought 'this is my chance to finally get rid of the pest' and I ran, I ran all the way to the other side of the mansion just for my dearest sisters Yui and yuki. I could have carried you Daisy but I let you burn hopping just hopping you would die. But when we came back to the ashes mother and fathers bodies were found not yours I thought 'this is karma that's fine as long as the wolfs dragged your body somewhere else to eat!"

"Do you hate me Kaname" Daisy's voice said Kaname glanced at her she was back to normal she was back to the Daisy who killed many without remorse.


Don't know."

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