Pretty picture

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This is a memory

'She paints a pretty picture
but the story has a twist
Her paintbrush is a
her canvas is her

"How was it?
Was it nice?
Did you like it?" Blonde hair and soft hands creased and touched her face she was beautiful in her eyes, she never understood the importance of beauty, it had only caused her trouble. Harassment, molestation, and especially rape where all it had ever brought her, beauty had never done anything to truly make her life better. Though it could not be helped given the fact that she was made to be the image of perfection and that meant even her body, beauty had to have her as the definition. Beauty had only ever caused her torture an example of this would have to be the scars that covered her hands and legs, her entire body was a canvas filled with tragic memories.

"Yes of course" this was her usual reply, this although did not satisfy her she wanted to hear more of her gentile voice and have her calming cold hands run through her hair. This was never the case she did not consider them close enough for even physical interaction, this meant she never touched her but she was indeed allowed to touch her. They would get angry and take it out on her, they were ruthless and cold by the time they were finished she would be limping down the hall blood and a white slick substance would run down her legs until Hannah or Luka would help her. If they found her.

" remind me of someone very close." This was new, never had she said such a thing, never had they made more than this kind of conversation, she was happy. She could not help the feeling of bubbles and sparkles surrounding her, she looked absolutely beautiful more than she did already. Her heart fluttered and she couldn't help the feeling of a pang of sadness hit her heart, she had said the words 'remember' so it wasn't truly her she saw but someone else. None the less she wanted to know how special her existence to her really was.
"R-really someone close!?" She wanted to know who they were and when they had met, why were they so important that they had to be remembered by her. Who had made such an impact, why were they so close , she had never paid mind to others unless told to by them but then what did that mean for her was she not good enough to be remembered like that?

"Yes does that make you happy" again a statement she had always wondered what went through her mind. What made her  the way she was, why didn't she ever smile or show anything other than a stoic look. Why was she distant, the fact that she always spent all of her time with them didn't help her mental state surely not and when she was free to spend time with anyone it was always with Hannah and Luka. They stuck to her like glue never leaving her side unless told to.

She paints a pretty picture
in a color that's blood red.
While using her sharp paintbrush
she ends up finally dead.

"Of course told you are a reminder of someone close to princess is honor!" It was true even a supple acknowledgement to anyone in the mansion would make their heart flutter and eyes teary. She was not human but not vampire at least that is what she said and she had absolutely no reason to doubt her. She had no reason to she was perfect in each and every way.

"Really, How so?" Did she really not know her own worth she was a jewel in a world full of fake diamonds. She was untouchable and perfect never to be dirtied or solid. Although she didn't even know that she saw the world in a different light and that would change what they would show her in the future.

"W-well yo-" her worlds came out in a stutter and her face became hot, she was certain her face had been sunburnt. She could not deny they jump of her heart as she became restless to continue.

"Rachel stop being a nuisance to the princess! I'm so terrible sorry princess I'll give her a good old sculling later this afternoon!" The old female servant said

"No need. She kept" the princess replied back.

After that short conversation Rachel was dragged out of the room by her .



"How come the princess never ever takes off the blind fold?"

"We'll..." The old servant had to ponder over this question a bit for she did not know either.

"She always is sound sad it make Rachel sad too!"

"The princess doesn't show any emotion but her eyes deceive her, they look so sad and lonely that might be the reason she hides them behind a blind fold" Hannah says out of nowhere coming from behind the corner.

I know! When I grow up I'll marry princess and we'll make a family and the we'll live a happy ever after!"

What poor Rachel didn't know is that fate was not yet finished tearing her precious princess apart. And that it still had a long way to go before it was going to let her be happy.

The pretty picture is fading
quite slowly on her arm.
Blood no longer runs through her
she can no longer do harm.

Blood was running down her arm, it had been since little Rachel had come in to keep her company, yet again to no surprise it had failed she felt fait and tired it was a struggle to keep her body in place. Hannah had walked in the room mere seconds later, she face contorted in sadness and face stained in tears when she saw what her dear princess had done. She had started to bandage her are then lifted her kimono stating that her lower region had been torn...again. That they had no control and that men were disgusting. Hannah was her favorite out of the three of them Rachel and Luka came as a distant second. Hannah was quite, neat, and kind, listening to what ever was told and she was soft. She had always enjoyed resting her tired head on her bosom, hearing the wild and loud thumping of her heart. She enjoyed her company to no end, she was gentle, yes, but when she holds her Hannah would be rough and dominatingly aggressive. This made her feel wanted, needed, she would absolutely never let Hannah leave her, they had already made a contract Hannah actually belonged to her and she was content with that.

she painted a pretty picture
but the story has a twist
you see
her mind was her
and her heart was her

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