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The man she was about to kill had two children a seven-year-old boy and a five-year-old girl and another one on the way. He was married his wife was eight months pregnant the baby was do in June he cheated on his wife considerably. It would be the day that he realized how precious his family really was. She walked in through the back door she used a key the maid had provided her it was was silver with a rose carved into it, a neatly finessed job by the maker.

Just then a memory passed through her it was a sad devastating memory but then again when weren't her memories devastating she saw chains tightening on two small fragile hands blood was running down them showing clearly the chains were fastened too tight, black hair was trailing down she back to her ankles. It was a mess it had tangles and was bloodied, bruises were peeking between the cracks of hair the image all of a sudden shattered she forced it to. She had a job to do if she failed the consequences would be dire. She focused on the task at hand her orders where to make it look like suiced the victim must have crossed the silver haired man to have made him this angry, angry enough to have is whole family slaughtered including his unborn child. She poured gasoline from the kitchen to the surrounding hallways it would have the family rooms trapped in a safe circle no fire in but no way to get out. She then set up the two chairs in front of a couch grabbed some rope and headed for the children's bedrooms the first was the son she tied him up and placed him on the chair then the same for the daughter. At about this time the mother and father had woken up to the children's screaming they were close enough to hear them screaming but far enough so they wouldn't immediately come down to check on them. This was normal she had done this over the course of nine years she sliced her hand on her outfit making it shift into a gun pointed it a the children's heads and told the parents to sit on the couch.

"Now if you lie to me I'll kill your son do you understand just nod"

He did

"Did you have an affair with another woman other than your wife" a statement was what it was, not a question "Is that why you never bothered with your son because you cared much more about you mistresses son"

"No that's not true I love them both" the gun went off she had killed his child in cold blood right I front of him then aimed it at his daughter. At his sons last moments he felt nothing but agony because of the fact he didn't matter enough.

"I warned you didn't i, tell me all your dirty secrets to bury you and everyone you work for six feet underground"

" no I can-" another click of the trigger was heard, blood soaked his wife's face she was facing her daughter that now laid on the floor with her brother.

"I've had enough haven't you all you have now is your wife and unborn child what is your choice" her words held no emotion no sorrow she was like a robot reciting words meaningless ones at that. And he spilled, once you take way all exits of escape and means of life until you have one or two you can do almost anything. When he was finished she spoke again no remorse for the actions she was going to commit. "I do apologize but is it not true that all beings are liars" she shot his wife and pointed the gun at him "It's amazing how much of a monster a person can be" she finally shot him last.

She walked into a living room a coffee table was placed in the middle, black leather couches placed near two identical stair cases to the sides of the room, one left another right. She saw him there,  the maid crying picking up the broken shards of a tea cup it had a carved rose wis thorns so rounding it this tea cup was his favorite there was a green substance on the white floor ,green tea, the smell is intoxicating, sweet, lovely, it calmed the raven herself as she stood a few feet away from them. She replied what could have happened. The maid must of brought the tea in, then she must've stood staring at his beautiful or handsome features as other woman have described his features. He had long silver hair tied up in a ponytail with a red and black ribbon it was slim and simple the bow hung loosely, it was hers it was considered one of her favorites it was actually a male accessory for long hair it was not meant for woman, he must've entered her room while she was out on her late task, and his dressing shirt that has the first two buttons undone, his belt is also undone. He looked exhausted, as if he'd fall asleep any second, she could tell he was reading The Collector a story she had given him for valentines day. A mistake it gave him the impression she wanted to be locked up. Then he looked up to see if the maid is finished her cleaning, she hadn't, she was petrified that he might throw a fit and also take it out on her tonight. She didn't say anything she wasn't allowed to it was part of one of their rules but Unexpectedly he saw her, those silver eyes are like an endless fog not the ugly kind but it's the kind that makes you stop and stare. Then he whispers her name gently, lovingly, caring, and the scariest of all is when he looks up, you could see it in his eyes, their not gentle, loving, or caring their full of anger, pure anger. He says her name again, more like the way his eyes were showing, angry, and then he says " where have you been do you know how late it is."

She doesn't respond she's not in such a position it isn't like talking to Akira or Rachel she had no authority over him not like he did her. If she were to step out of line Silver would tell Trip and Virus another memory flashes threw her.

"When I ask you something answer. Do you understand? Maybe I should talk with Trip and Virus after all we are your misters." He could see her eyes dull even further more than they already were he could see something flash in her eyes he couldn't figure out what it was. He could also sense over whelming fear seep out of her at the mention of Virus and Trip he could get her to do almost everything we'll except bear his child.

"I apologize sir... It won't happen again" he saw her fingers twitch on her left hand only slightly if he wasn't paying attention he would have missed it it was a sign of defiance.

"You have no right to show me in such disrespectful manners , you are my weapon and so don't forget your place." His voice was harsh and he could sense Trip and Virus coming closer it would soon be time for him to leave his time with her was running out. He must've seen something in her eyes again because he asked her in such a gentle voice "have you ever fallen in love, Daisy " he said in such a gentle, loving, caring voice with the same gentle and loving eyes. He wanted her to answer, he wanted the answer to be "yes", she'd known his feelings for her ever since that day. She knew what answer he wanted but she wouldn't give that to him. After all it was all she had left.


guys please don't hate it's my first story

and anyway thanks for reading 0/////O

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