Chapter 26: Hermione Granger

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Ron was furious.

"You lost your wand?"

"No, I didn't lose my wand!"

Everyone immediately looked at Isabelle.

"Yep, she lost her wand."

"Okay fine! I lost my wand!" GInny threw her hands up in anger.

I pulled out my wand. "Accio Ginny's wand."

"Pfft," Jace scorned. "As if that's going to--"

He was cut short by a narrow strip of wood, zooming towards his face. The point hit him right on the bridge of his nose. He recoiled, clutching his face; I could already see a red welt forming. "Ow," he muttered.

The wand zipped into my hand. I lightly tossed it to Ginny. She caught it easily, stowing it in her back pocket.

"There, I have my wand, happy?" She directed at Ron, to which he turned away, muttering.

"Okay," Harry started, trying to get everyone's attention. "So, Isabelle and Ginny got food, we helped set up the protective enchantments, Clary helped gather firewood, that means you two can cut and stew the ram." He directed at Jace and Alec.

"Can't you guys just... hocus-pocus the ram into edible meat for everyone?" Jace asked bitterly, still rubbing the bridge of his nose.

I glared at him. "We've all done something to help, it's your turn to contribute." He glared back at me.

Alec muttered something, but didn't argue. He started to head over to the ram, followed by Isabelle. Harry summoned knives out of... nowhere, and the three of them started cutting up the large animal.

"See?" Jace gestured at the group, where Ginny and Clary had joined them. "They've got it. I'm going exploring. I'm clearly not needed here." And though it was pitch black, he turned around and started walking off.

I looked at Ron helplessly. "What's his problem?" He muttered. "Can you get him? I'm going to help with the food." He walked off.

==== ====

"Lumos," I muttered. The tip of my wand lit up, illuminating the rocky path in front of me. I held my wand higher, letting the beam cast a faint circle of light around me. I started down the mountain's path, trying to see where Jace had gone.

In the darkness of the night, I could just make out a blurry figure, hidden by the shadows, crouched near the edge of a cliff.

"What are you doing?" I asked loudly. Jace turned to look at me. In the dim light cast by my wand, I could just make out his expression: confusion.

"Hey." He said shortly.

I thought we were on good terms, but apparently, this is going better than expected. I thought. "What are you doing here?"

"The real question is what are we doing here?" Jace asked quietly. "We never asked for you guys to show up. We were fine fighting Valentine. We might've even won." He paused. "But then you guys showed up and we got dragged into this whole mess. I mean, we don't even really know you guys."

Keeping my wand lit, I sat down beside him. My legs dangled off the cliff; I could hear a few small pebbles skitter and fall off the edge. This might be difficult. "So we don't know each other. That doesn't mean we can't all be friends."

He looked at me weirdly. "So are you the friendship police or something? Can't we just be left to our own groups?"

I sighed with frustration. This thing is getting really old. "Okay, so I'm not that good with starters. How's that life of yours going?"

"The moon controls the tides and the human psyche." Jace responded instead. "Wolves know that. That's why they howl at her, as a tribute." He started into the darkness.

I just stared at him. "Okay, why don't we just... get to know each other a bit more. That way we can trust each other." I internally gagged on my words. When did I become the cheesy type?

Apparently, Jace was thinking the same thing. "What is this, the moment when two characters from different worlds try to connect simply because... friendship?"

I glared at him. "Don't break the fourth wall." I threatened. "That is a code red violation. Do you know how much money and effort it takes to fix those things?"

He just threw me an annoyed look.

"So like... how's life been going for you so far? You know, how's your childhood been like?"

"My father turned out to be a fake father who killed another man and his son so that we could take our identity, and then he died but it turns out that he faked his death and he came back to life as an evil person so then I killed him along with my girlfriend that used to be my sister."

"Oh, cool... I was once turned into half-cat because I mistook its fur for another girl's hair, which I was supposed to drink..."

"Okay, whatever." Jace said sullenly. He continued to start into the darkness. I noticed his eyes darting back and forth, up and down, as if following an invisible match of ping pong.

Enough of this. "What are you looking for?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Nothing, it's just... I thought I saw something." He finished quietly.

I scanned the darkness. "Lumos maximus." I muttered, raising my wand. Shadows came to life as light washed over the mountainside. "Where are you looking?"

"There." Jace said quickly. He pointed a little to the left and down.

I followed his line of sight until my gaze landed on a small spark in the distance. What? There, at the base of the mountain, a small, orange speck appeared. Someone's lighting a fire.

"There's a small group of people there." I noted.

"No, really?" The prince of sarcasm muttered. "In any case, we don't know who they are, which automatically makes them enemies."

Does that apply to us, too? Is that how you felt?

"Well," I said curtly, standing up. "We should get back to the others. We might need to set up a few more protective charms, maybe even a few jinxes around the area."

Jace got up, glaring at the spot where the unknown people were. I followed his gaze; it was too dark to make out who they were, or even just how many people were there. All I knew was that things could only get worse.

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I was never really one for writing Author's Notes, but I'm saying this because I really appreciate the comments from the last chapter. Thank you so much to everyone who's read and commented, it really means a lot to me that I have received validation from total strangers. In all honesty, I had completely run out of ideas for this story. I'm only updating because my friend told me I'd better update, so here it is. This chapter is really short , rushed, and overall just sucks, but in my defense, this group is the hardest to write for me. I really appreciate the reads, votes, and comments, and I'll give and honest effort to try to update more often.

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